Pastides: UofSC prepares 21st century leaders
September 14, 2016, Joshua Burrack
University of South Carolina President Harris Pastides presents his plan for the coming year and how the university must prepare the leaders of the 21st century.
September 14, 2016, Joshua Burrack
University of South Carolina President Harris Pastides presents his plan for the coming year and how the university must prepare the leaders of the 21st century.
September 08, 2016
University of South Carolina President Harris Pastides will give his annual State of the University address at 10 a.m., Wednesday (Sept. 14) on the historic Horseshoe.
April 14, 2016, Jeff Stensland
The University of South Carolina and IBM announced a broadening of their collaboration, applying cognitive capabilities and the Internet of Things (IoT) to develop new solutions for predictive analytics and maintenance. On Thursday the two organizations are hosted the grand opening of the $25 million Center for Applied Innovation, where university, IBM and private sector researchers—including Fluor Corporation—will use the technology for a host of real-world applications.
March 15, 2016, Page Ivey
Very few disciplines have as much real-world immediate impact as public health, and the University of South Carolina’s Arnold School of Public Health has increased its reach and impact in each of its 40 years, going from seven faculty members and 34 students in 1975 to more than 2,500 students and 137 faculty who last year garnered $36 million in research dollars.
February 24, 2016, Jeff Stensland
the University of South Carolina, along with a consortium of leading industry, academic, and government partners, announces the creation of SC Cyber. SC Cyber is a statewide initiative, housed at USC, committed to securing our state’s critical infrastructure and training those on the front lines of the fight to protect technological assets.
February 12, 2016, Peggy Binette
President Harris Pastides is passionate about helping students develop their leadership skills. That’s why he created the Carolina Leadership Initiative in 2010, which includes an annual President’s Leadership Dialogue that makes leaders from various fields and backgrounds available to students and the campus community.
January 22, 2016, Peggy Binette
Ada B. Thomas, for whom the university’s top undergraduate adviser award is named, believed in Carolina and believed in preparing students who would make a difference as leaders in communities across South Carolina. To Dr. Lisa Bishara (’88, ’93) Thomas was more than an adviser. She was her grandmother.