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Arnold School of Public Health

Ph.D. in Epidemiology

The Doctor of Philosophy in Epidemiology is an advanced graduate degree intended for those who want to pursue teaching and independent research careers. Our graduates pursue a variety of career paths, including post-doctoral fellowships, pharmaceutical companies, academic institutions, and state and federal health departments.


School of Public Health Core Requirements (3 Credit Hours)

PUBH 700     (3)       Perspectives in Public Health

Department Core Requirements (18 Credit Hours)

EPID 800       (3)       Advanced Methodological Theory in Epidemiology

EPID 801       (3)       Advanced Analytic Methods in Epidemiology

EPID 802       (3)       Epidemiological Methods III

EPID 845       (3)       Doctoral Seminar (1 credit per semester for 3 semesters)

EPID 890       (3)       Independent Study (Teaching Practicum)

EPID 890       (3)       Independent Study (Consulting Practicum)

Major Requirements (15 Credit Hours)

BIOS              (9)       Biostatistics courses

Dissertation (12 Credit Hours)

EPID 899       (12)     Dissertation Preparation

Total: 42 Credit Hours

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
