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College of Education

  • A male teacher guestures to an electronic display at the front of a classroom.

Learning Design and Technologies, M.Ed.

What will I study?

This 100% online degree program is designed to help you develop capabilities essential to the analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation of effective, efficient, and appealing technology-based learning, instruction, and training (e.g., computer-based training, software/multimedia development, assistive technology modifications, online education, and distance learning).

Our program is appropriate for K-12 teachers, corporate trainers, and government and healthcare workers who will be developing instructional interventions with technology-enhanced learning.  Neither teaching licensure nor a previous degree in education is required for admissions.

Our program’s missions are:

  • To prepare practitioners with sound principles and techniques of instructional systems design plus technological competence
  • To prepare leaders for the meaningful integration of learning design and technologies in teaching, learning, and performance environments

The program typically takes two years to complete. Most courses are offered in an eight-week schedule with two courses required each semester, including summer. All courses are taught 100% online through our online course management system Blackboard. Courses are faculty-led with schedules for completion of specific activities and requirements; they are not self-paced.


What kinds of work will I be able to do?

This program is focused on preparing practitioners who are interested in innovations for improving learning and performance through technological resources and processes. Graduate students apply principles of instructional systems design to computer-based instruction, rapid eLearning development, and technology integration to support on-ground and online learning. We use research-based learning theories and instructional models to design meaningful and effective learning opportunities for children and adults, and we leverage contemporary development tools, such as audio and video editing software, multimedia, cloud-based development tools, and learning management systems.

Potential new careers include instructional designers, corporate training and eLearning developers, curriculum developers, digital learning specialists, and instructional support leaders for K-12 school districts, higher education, or departments of education.


Special Tuition Rates 

South Carolina certified teachers pay a reduced tuition rate.
Out-of-state students admitted to this program pay regular South Carolina resident tuition rate.


Tuition Rates South Carolina Certified Teachers All Other Applicants
  Per Credit Hour  $515* $572.25
Estimated Total Program Tuition including Fees $18,874* $20,763

*This rate applies for SC resident certified teachers completing fewer than 12 hours per semester.

These fees and rates are subject to change and are effective for the 2024-2025 Academic Year. See Specially Priced Online Degree Programs information on the fee schedule and the Graduate One Rate estimated cost to attend based on averages across all university programs.


Financial Aid

Most students in this program receive assistance through loans and other forms of aid. Complete your FAFSA to be considered for these aid programs. 


Typical Program of Study

  • EDET 603 – Design and Development Tools I
  • EDET 709 – Applications of Learning Principles or another approved course in learning theory
  • EDET 722 – Instructional Design and Assessment
  • EDET 735 – Technological Applications for Diverse Populations
  • EDET 746 – Management of Technology Resources
  • EDET 755 – Design and Evaluation of Information Access and Delivery
  • EDRM 700 – Introduction to Research in Education
  • One course in educational technology or research selected from:
    • EDET 780 – Research Seminar in Educational Technology
    • EDET 793 – Advanced Instructional Design and Development
  • Two additional courses in educational technology or educational statistics selected from:
    • EDET 650 – Internship in Educational Technology
    • EDET 703 – Design and Development Tools II
    • EDRM 710 – Educational Statistics I or another course in educational statistics
    • EDRM 711 – Educational Statistics II or another course in educational statistics
  • Elective (3 hours) - You will choose an elective that relates to a specific interest or to gain further experience in a targeted area. Our course in the design and evaluation of games and simulations is a popular choice as it addresses a hot topic.


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