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College of Education

Our Publications

Our team members produce a wide variety of publications — from reports on research and evaluation findings to scholarly articles and book chapters — that contribute to improving early child care and education.


Project reports 


Brian, A., & Goodway, J. D. (in press). Kinesthetic learning. In B. Frey (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Goodway, J. D., Brian, A., Bardid, F., & STaunton, S. (in press). Gross motor delay in children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. In E. Braaten (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Intellectual and Developmental Disorders, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Brian, A., Haibach, P., & Lieberman, L. J. (2017). Promoting motor skills for children with visual impairments in inclusive settings: An international perspective. In M. Giese (Ed.), The missing link: Inclusive Physical Education out of the International Perspective from Adapted Physical Education, 288-298, Weinheim, Germany: Beltz.

Hitti, A., Mulvey, K.L., & Killen, M. (2017). Social cognition about intergroup relations: Minority perspectives. N. Cabrera & B. Leyendecker (Eds.), Handbook of positive development of minority children (pp. 281-293). Netherlands: Springer.

 Mulvey, K.L., McMillian, L., & Fram, P. (2017). Morality.  V. Zeigler-Hill & T. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. Netherlands: Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-28099-8_1254-1.

Brown, W. H., Schenkelberg, M.,* McIver, M., O’Neill, J., Howie,* E., Pfeiffer, K., Saunders, R., Dowda, M., Addy, C., & Pate, R. (2016). Physical activity and preschool children with and without developmental delays: A national health challenge. Handbook on Early Childhood Special Education (pp. 487-500). In B. Reichow, E. Barton, B. Boyd, & S. Odom (Eds.). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.

Carlson, R. G. (2016). Marriage, Couples, & Family Counseling. In Eds. Minton, C. B., Gibson, D. M., & Morris, C. W. (2016) Evaluating Student Learning Outcomes in Counselor Education: Workbook and Applications. American Counseling Association. Alexandria, VA.

Greer, F., & Liu, J. (2016). Creating short forms and screening measures. Chapter in Principles and methods of test construction: Standards and recent advancements.  K. Schweizer & C. DiStefano (Eds).  Germany: Hogrefe Publishers.

Hitti, A., Mulvey, K.L., & Killen, M. (2016). Exclusion in adolescent peer relationships. In R. Levesque (Ed.), Encyclopedia of adolescence, 2nd edition (pp. 1- 14). NY: Springer Press. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-32132-5_50-2.

Marshall, K., Brown, W. H., Conroy, M. A., & Knopf, H. (2016). Early intervention and prevention of disability: Preschoolers. In J. M. Kauffman & D. P. Hallahan (Eds.), Handbook of special education (Second Edition). New York: Routledge.

Mulvey, K.L. (2016). Equity and equality in early childhood. The SAGE encyclopedia of contemporary early childhood education (pp. 540-541). NY: SAGE.

Mulvey, K.L., Hitti, A., Smetana, J. & Killen, M. (2016). Morality, context and development.  L. Balter & C. Tamis-LeMonda (Eds.) Child psychology:  A handbook of contemporary issues, 3rd edition (pp. 285-304). NY: Psychology Press. 

Googe, H.S. & Kannengieser, K. (2016). Local Resources to Support Inclusion in Early Childhood Education. Columbia, SC: South Carolina Partnerships for Inclusion, Yvonne and Schuyler Moore Child Development Research Center at University of South Carolina.

Googe, H.S. & Kannengieser, K. (2016). What to Look for in your Educational Environments Data. Columbia, SC: South Carolina Partnerships for Inclusion, Yvonne and Schuyler Moore Child Development Research Center at University of South Carolina.

Kannengieser, K. (2016). Simple Guide to PATH for Preschool Inclusion. Columbia, SC: South Carolina Partnerships for Inclusion, Yvonne and Schuyler Moore Child Development Research Center at University of South Carolina. *Adapted with permission from Simple Guide to PATH for Organizations developed by TASC. 

Kannengieser, K.  (2016). Healthy Teaming 101: Forming Stage Activities. Columbia, SC: South Carolina Partnerships for Inclusion, Yvonne and Schuyler Moore Child Development Research Center at University of South Carolina. *Adapted with permission from Leading Collaborative Transition Teams developed by TASC.

Knopf, H. T., & Googe, H. S. (2016). South Carolina Child Care Coaching Model (Manual). Columbia, SC: Yvonne and Schuyler Moore Child Development Research Center at University of South Carolina.

Googe, H.S., Trivedi, C., & Johnson, K. (2014). CARA's Kit for Child Care: A professional development framework (Manual). Columbia, SC: South Carolina Child Care Inclusion Collaborative, Yvonne and Schuyler Moore Child Development Research Center at University of South Carolina.


Instructional Products:
Googe, H. S., & Knopf, H. T. (2016). Developmental Screening and the ASQ (Online training module). Columbia, SC: SC Child Care Inclusion Collaborative, Yvonne and Schuyler Moore Child Development Research Center at University of South Carolina.

Googe, H. S., & Knopf, H. T. (2016). SC ASQ Online: Assessment to Inform Practice (Online training module). Columbia, SC: SC Child Care Inclusion Collaborative, Yvonne and Schuyler Moore Child Development Research Center at University of South Carolina.

 Knopf, H. T. (2008) SC ASQ Online System: An online application to complete developmental screening for children in child care. Columbia, SC: Yvonne and Schuyler Moore Child Development Research Center at University of South Carolina.


Peer-reviewed articles

Ascetta, K., Harn, B., & Duran, L. (under review). Features of Effective Online Professional Development

DiStefano, C., Greer, F., Liu, J. (In press). Investigating Relations between Validity Indices and Psychometric Evidence Teacher-Rating Scale.  Psychological Assessment.

DiStefano, C., Liu, J., & Greer, F. (2017). Identification of questionable data using validity indices and item response theory methods: Examinations with a teacher-rating scale. Psychological Assessment. doi:10.1037/pas0000493

DiStefano, C., Greer, F., & Dowdy, E. (2017). Examining the BESS PRS-P with Rasch modeling. Assessment.

Irvin, M. J., Byun, S-Y., Smiley, W. S., & Hutchins, B. C. (2017). Relation of opportunity to learn advanced math to the educational attainment of rural youth. American Journal of Education, 123, 475-510.

DiStefano, C., Greer, F., Liu, J. (2016). Examining the structure of the BESS TRS-P with an independent sample, 34(6), 595-599. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment.

Irvin, M. J., Byun, S-Y., Meece, J. L., Reed, K., & Farmer, T. W. (2016). School characteristics and experiences of youth from minority backgrounds in rural communities: Relation to educational aspirations3. Peabody Journal of Education, 91, 176-202. doi:10.1080/0161956X.2016.1151739

Mulvey, K. L., & Irvin, M. J. (2016). Young children’s evaluations of counter-stereotypic STEM career choices. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Niehaus, K., Irvin, M. J., & Rogelberg, S. (2016). School connectedness and valuing as predictors of high school completion and postsecondary attendance among Latino youth. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 44-45, 54-67. doi:10.1016/j.cedpsych.2016.02.003

Yow, J. A., Eli, J., Beisiegel, M., McCloskey, A., & Welder, R. (2016). Similar experiences between novice mathematics teachers and novice mathematics teacher educators. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, 18(1), 52-69.

Geddings, D., White, D., & Yow, J. A. (2016). SCHEMaTC: The beginnings of a math teachers’ circle. MathMate, 37(1), 8-16.

Yow, J. A., & Lotter, C. (2016). Teacher learning in a mathematics and science inquiry professional development program: First steps in emergent teacher leadership. Professional Development in Education, 42(2), 325-351

Brian, A., Bardid, F., Barnett, L., Deconinck, F., & Goodway, J. D., & Lenoir, M. (in press). Cross-cultural differences between Belgian and American youth in perceived and actual motor skills. Journal of Motor Learning and Development

Brian, A., Goodway, J., Logan, J., & Sutherland, S. (2017). SKIPing with Head Start teachers: Influence of T-SKIP on object control skills. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport,

Brian, A., Taunton, S., Lieberman, L., Haibach-Beach, P., Foley, J., & Santarossa, S. (in press). The validity and reliability of the Test of Gross Motor Development-3 for children with visual impairments. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly.

Brian, A., Haegele, J., Nesbitt, D., Lieberman, L., Bostick, L., Taunton, S., & Stodden, D. (in press). Perceptions of motor competence for children with and without visual impairments. Journal of Visual Impairments and Blindness

Lane, A. P., Molina, S. L., Tolleson, D. A., Langendorfer, S. J., Goodway, J. D., & Stodden, D. F. (2017). Developmental sequences for the standing long jump landing: A pre-longitudinal screening. Journal of Motor Learning and Development.

Lieberman, L., Brian, A., & Grenier, M. (2017). The Lieberman-Brian Inclusion Rating Scale for Physical Education: A Delphi investigation, European Physical Education Review

Schempp, P. G., McCullick, B. A., Webster, C. A., & Breed, M. (in press). Chapter 37: The importance of expertise in golf instruction and coaching. In Routledge Handbook of Golf Science. New York: Routledge.

Taunton, S., Brian, A., & Monsma, E. V. (in press). Developing intrinsic motivation towards beep baseball through physical education, Palaestra, 31(4),

Taunton, S, Brian, A., & True, L. (2017). Universally designed motor skill intervention for children with and without disabilities. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities

True, L., Pfeifer, K. A., Dowda, M., Williams, H. G., Brown, W. H., O’Neill, J. R., & Pate, R. R. (in press). Motor competence and characteristics within the preschool environment. Journal of Science and Medicine.

Brian, A., & Taunton, S. (in revision). Effectiveness of intervention varies on instructor and pedagogical strategy. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy

Brian, A., & Taunton, S., Haibach-Beach, P., & Lieberman, L. J. (in revision). Influence of sports camps and vision on perceived physical competence of children who are visually impaired. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness

Nesbitt, D. R., Molina, S., Sacko, R., Robinson, L., Brian, A., & Stodden, D. F. (in revision). Examining the feasibility of supine-to-stand as a measure of functional motor competence. Journal of Motor Learning and Development.

Brian, A., Bostick, L., Taunton, S., & Pennell, A. (2017). Construct validity and reliability for the Test of Perceived Motor Competence for Children with Visual Impairments. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 35(2), 113-119.

Brian, A., Goodway, J. D., Logan, J. A., & Sutherland, S. (2017). SKIPing with teachers: An early years motor skill intervention. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 22(3), 270-282. doi: 10.1080/17408989.2016.1176133.

Brian, A., Lieberman, L., Grenier, M., Egan, C., & Taunton, S. (2017). 50 million strong for all: Universally designed CSPAP. Journal of Physical Education, Health, Recreation, and Dance, advance online publication, doi: 10.1080/07303084.2017.1340206

De Meester, A., Stodden, D. F., Goodway, J. D., True, L., Brian, A., Ferkel, R., Goodway, J. D., & Haerens, L. (2017). Identification of a motor competence proficiency barrier for meeting physical activity guidelines. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, advance online publication, doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2017.05.007.

Lima, R.A., Pfeiffer, K.A., Bugge, A., Møller, N.C., Andersen, L.B., Stodden, D.F. (2017). Motor competence and cardiorespiratory fitness have greater influence on body fatness than physical activity across time. Scand J Med Sci Sport, 1-10.

Lima, R.A., Pfeiffer, K.A., Larsen, L.R., Bugge, A., Møller, N.C., Andersen, L.B., Stodden, D.F. (2017). Physical activity and motor competence present a positive reciprocal longitudinal relationship across childhood and early adolescence. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 14, 440-447.

Logan, S.W., Ross, S.M., Chee, K., Stodden, D.F., & Robinson, L.E. (2017). Fundamental motor skills: A systematic review of terminology. Journal of Sports Sciences.

Lopes, V.P., Rodriguez, L.P. Stodden, D.F. (2017). Effectiveness of Physical Education to Promote Motor Competence in Primary School Children. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 1-14.

Molina, S. L. & Stodden, D. F. (2017) Examining impulse-variability theory and the speed-accuracy trade-off in children’s overarm throwing performance. Motor Control. 1-17.

Nesbitt, D. R., Molina, S., Cattuzzo, M. T., Phillips, D. S., Robinson, L., & Stodden, D. F. (2017). Assessment of a Supine-to-Stand (STS) task in early childhood: A measure of functional motor competence. Journal of Motor Learning and Development, 1-25. doi: 10.1123/jmld.2016-0049

Ré, A.H.N., Logan, S., Cattuzzo, M.T., Henrique, R.D.S., Stodden, D.F. (2017). Comparison of motor competence levels on two assessments across childhood Journal of Sports Sciences, 1-6.

True, L., Brian, A., Goodway, J. D., & Stodden, D. (2017). Relationships among product and process-oriented measures of motor skill competence and perceived competence in boys and girls. Journal of Motor Learning and Development, advance online publication, doi: 10.1123/jmld.2016-0042

Barnett, L.M., Stodden, D.F., Kohen, C.E., Smith, J.J., Lubans, D.R.,… Morgan, P.J. (2016). Fundamental movement skills: An important focus. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. 35, 219 -225

Brian, A., Haegele, J., & Bostick, L. (2016). Perceived motor competence of children with visual impairments: A pilot study. British Journal of Visual Impairment. 34(2), 151-155. doi: 10.1177/0264619616628575

Brian, A., Haegele, J., Lieberman, L., & Bostick, L. (2016). The content and face validity for the Test of Perceived Motor Competence for children with visual impairments: A Delphi investigation. British Journal of Visual Impairments. 34(3), 238-247. doi: 10.1177/0264619616658072

De Meester, A., Maes, J., Stodden D.F., Cardon, G., Goodway, J.D., Lenoir, M., Haerens, L. (2016). Identifying profiles of actual and perceived motor competence among adolescents: associations with motivation, physical activity and sports participation.  Journal of Sports Sciences. 1-11

De Meester, A., Stodden, D., Brian, A., True, L., Cardon, G., Tallir, I. & Haerens, L. (2016). Associations among elementary school children’s actual motor competence, perceived motor competence, physical activity and BMI: a cross-sectional study. PlosOne, 1(10), doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0164600

Duncan, M. J., Bryant, E., Stodden D.F. (2016). Low fundamental movement skill proficiency is associated with high BMI and body fatness in girls but not boys aged 6-11 years old.  Journal of Sports Sciences. 1-11.

Henrique R.S., Ré, A.H., Stodden, D.F., Fransen, J., Campos, C.C., Queiroz, D.R., Cattuzzo, M.T. (2016). Association between sports participation, motor competence and weight status: A longitudinal study. Journal of Science & Medicine in Sport. 19(10):825-829.

Palmer, K., & Brian, A. (2016). Test of Gross Motor Development-2 scores differ between expert and novice coders. Journal of Motor Learning and Development, 4(2), 142-151.

Ré, A.H.N., Cattuzzo, M.T., Henrique, R.S., Stodden, D.F. (2016). Physical characteristics that predict involvement with the ball in recreational youth soccer. Journal of Sports Sciences. 1-7. DOI:10.1080/02640414.2015.1136067.

Beets, M.W., Weaver, R.G., Beighle, A., Webster, C., & Pate, R.R. (in press). Physical activity levels of children attending day-long summer camps. Journal of Physical Activity and Health.

Egan, C., & Webster, C. A. (2018). Using theory to support classroom teachers as physical activity promoters. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance.

Goh, T. L., Hannon, J., Webster, C. A., & Podlog, L. (2017). Classroom teachers’ experiences implementing a movement integration program: Barriers, facilitators, and continuance. Teaching and Teacher Education

Russ, L. B., Webster, C. A., Beets, M. W., Weaver, R. G., Egan, C. A., Harvey, R., & Phillips, D. (2017). Development of the System for Observing Student Movement in Academic Routines and Transitions (SOSMART). Health Education & Behavior, 44(2), 304-315.

Webster, C. A., Nesbitt, D., Lee, H., & Egan, C. (2017). Preservice physical education teachers’ service learning experiences related to comprehensive school physical activity programming. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education.

Weaver, R. G., Webster, C. A., Beets, M. W., Brazendale, K., Chandler, J. L., Schisler, L., & Aziz, M. (2017). Initial outcomes of a participatory-based, competency building approach to increasing physical education teachers’ physical activity promotion and students’ physical activity: A pilot study. Health Education and Behavior.

Weaver, R. G., Webster, C. A., Egan, C. A., Campos, C. M. C., Michael, R. D., & Crimarco, A. (in press). Physical education outcomes after four months of a two-year pilot study to increase physical activity during school. Health Education Journal.

Weaver, R. G., Webster, C. A., Egan, C. A., Campos, C. M. C., Michael, R. D., Vazou,S. (2017). Partnerships for Active Children in Elementary Schools: Outcomes of a two-year pilot study to increase physical activity during the school day. American Journal of Health Promotion.

Weaver, R. G., Webster, C. A., Erwin, H., Beighle, A., Beets, M. W., Choukroun, H., & Kaysing, N., (2016). Modifying the System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time to measure teacher competencies related to physical activity promotion: SOFIT+. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science.

Beets, M.W., Weaver, R.G., Turner-McGrievy, G., Saunders, R. P., Webster, C. A., Moore, J. B., Brazendale, K. & Chandler, J. (2017). Evaluation of a statewide dissemination and implementation of physical activity intervention in afterschool

Brian, A., & Haegele, J. (2017). Gopher FITstep pro accuracy when measuring steps and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. Acta Gymnica, Advance Online Publication. doi: 10.5507/ag.2017.006

Gao, Z., Pope, Z., Lee, J., Stodden, D.F., Roncesvalles, N., Pasco, D., Huang, C., & Feng, D. (2017). Impact of exergaming on young children’s school day energy expenditure and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity levels. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 6, 11-16.

Haegele, J., Brian, A., & Wolf, D. (2017). Accuracy of the Fitbit Zip for measuring steps for adolescents with visual impairments. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 34, 195-200.

Lima, R.A., Pfeiffer, K.A., Bugge, A., Møller, N.C., Andersen, L.B., Stodden, D.F. (2017). Motor competence and cardiorespiratory fitness have greater influence on body fatness than physical activity across time. Scand J Med Sci Sport, 1-10.

Lima, R.A., Pfeiffer, K.A., Larsen, L.R., Bugge, A., Møller, N.C., Andersen, L.B., Stodden, D.F. (2017). Physical activity and motor competence present a positive reciprocal longitudinal relationship across childhood and early adolescence. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 14, 440-447.

Logan, S.W., +Barnett, L.M., Goodway, J.D., & *Stodden, D.F. (2017). Comparison of performance on process- and product-oriented assessment of fundamental motor skills across childhood. Journal of Sports Sciences. DOI:10.1080/02640414.2016.1183803

Saunders, R. P., Pfeiffer, K., Brown, W. H., Howie,* E. K., Dowda, M., O’Neill, J. R., McIver, K., & Pate, R. R. (2017). Evaluating and refining the conceptual model used in the Study of Health and Activity in Preschool Environments (SHAPES) Intervention. Health Education and Behavior, 1-9.

Webster, C. A. (2017). CSPAP professional preparation and research initiatives at the University of South Carolina. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 88(2), 25-36.

Webster, C. A., & Nesbitt, D. (2017). Expanded roles of physical education teachers within a CSPAP and implications for PETE. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance. 88(3), 22-28.

Beets, M. W., Oakly, A., Weaver, R. G., Webster, C. A., Lubans, D., Brusseau, T., Carson, R., & Cliff, D. P. (2016). The Theory of Expanded, Extended, and Enhanced Opportunities for Youth Physical Activity Promotion. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 13, 120.

Beets, M. W., Weaver, R. G., Turner-McGrievy, B., Moore, J. B., Webster, C., Brazendale, K., Chandler, J., Khan, M., Saunders, R., & Beighle, A. (2016). Are we there yet? Compliance with physical activity standards in YMCA afterschool programs. Childhood Obesity, 12(4), 237-246.

D’Amico, L., Sides, K., & Brown, W. H. (2016). Early childhood developmental screening in South Carolina: Common practices, opportunities, and challenges. Greenville, SC: Institute for Child Success. (INVITED RESEARCH BRIEF)

Gao, Z., Chen, S., Stodden, D.F., Xiang, P., Huang, C. (2016). Investigating elementary school children’s daily physical activity and sedentary behaviors during weekdays. Journal of Sports Sciences. Published online: 07 Mar 2016.

Goh, T. L., Hannon, J. C., Webster, C. A., Podlog, L., & Newton, M. (2016). Effects of a TAKE 10!® classroom-based physical activity intervention on 3rd to 5th grades children’s on-task behavior. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 13(7), 712-718.

Howie, E. K., Brewer, A. E., Brown, W. H., Saunders, R. P., & Pate, R. R. (2016). Systematic dissemination of a preschool physical activity intervention to the control schools. Evaluation and Program Planning. doi:10.1016/j.evalprogramplan.2016.03.006.

Lee, J., Stodden, D.F., & Gao, Z., (2016). Young Children’s Energy Expenditure and Moderate-to-vigorous Physical Activity on Weekdays and Weekends. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 13, 1013 -1016

Michael, R., Patterson, D., Laguna, P., Sherman, C., & Webster, C. (2016). Standards-based assessment, grading, and professional development of California middle school physical education teachers. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 35(3), 277-283.

Pate, R. R., Brown, W. H., Pfeiffer, K. A., Howie, E., Saunders, R., Addy, C. L., & Dowda, M. (2016). An intervention to increase physical activity in children: A randomized controlled trial with 4-year-olds in preschool. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 51(1), 12-22.

Webster, C. A. (2016). Student attitudes and perspectives. In Ennis, C. D. (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Physical Education Pedagogies (pp. 518-529). New York: Routledge.

Webster, C. A., Russ, L., Webster, L., Molina, S., Lee, H., & Cribbs, J. (2016). The nature and incorporation of CSPAP learning experiences in Physical Education Teacher Education: Accounts of faculty from "Highly Effective" programs. The Physical Educator, 73(2), 578-599.

Webster, C.A., Russ, L., Webster, L., Molina, S., Lee, H., & Cribbs, J. (2016). PETE faculty beliefs concerning the preparation of preservice teachers for CSPAP roles: An exploratory study. The Physical Educator, 73(2), 315-339.

Webster, C. A., Stodden, D. F., Carson, R. L., Egan, C. A., & Nesbitt, D. (2016). Integrative Public Health-Aligned Physical Education and implications for the professional preparation of future teachers and teacher educators/researchers in the field. Quest.

Webster, C. A., Zarrett, N., Cook, B. S., Egan, C. A.*, Nesbitt, D., & Weaver, R. G. (2016). Movement integration in elementary classrooms: Perceptions of teachers who report integrating the least and implications for program planning. Evaluation and Program Planning, 61, 134-143.

Weaver, R.G., Beets, M.W., Beighle, A., Webster, C., Huberty, J., Moore, J. (2016). Strategies to increase afterschool program staff behaviors to promote healthy eating and physical activity. Health Promotion Practice, 17(1), 88-97.

Weaver, R. G., Crimarco, A., Brussearu, T.A., Webster, C. A., Burns, R. D., Hannon, J. (2016). Accelerometry-derived physical activity of first through third grade children during the segmented school day. Journal of School Health, 86(10), 726-733.

Duncan, M. J., Bryant, E., Stodden D.F. (2016). Low fundamental movement skill proficiency is associated with high BMI and body fatness in girls but not boys aged 6-11 years old.  Journal of Sports Sciences. 1-11.

Lima, R.A., Pfeiffer, K.A., Bugge, A., Møller, N.C., Andersen, L.B., Stodden, D.F. (2017). Motor competence and cardiorespiratory fitness have greater influence on body fatness than physical activity across time. Scand J Med Sci Sport, 1-10.

Stewart, G., & Webster, C. A. (2018). The role of physical educators in addressing the needs of students who are overweight and obese. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance.

Weaver, R. G., Moore, J. B., Turner-McGrievy, G., Saunders, R., Beighle, A., Khan, M., Chandler, J., Brazendale, K., Webster, C. A., Randel, A., & Beets, M. (2017). Identifying strategies programs adopt to meet healthy eating and physical activity standards in afterschool programs. Health Education & Behavior.

Rodriguez, L.P., Stodden D. F. Lopes, V. P. (2016). Developmental pathways of change in health-related fitness and motor competence are related to obesity development in childhood. Journal of Science & Medicine in Sport, 19, 87-92.

Carlson, R. G., Wheeler, N. J., & *Adams, J. J. (In Press). The influence of individual-oriented relationship education on equality and conflict-related behaviors. Journal of Counseling & Development.

Wofford, J. R., & Carlson, R. G. (In Press). Counseling typically developing siblings of persons with disabilities: Strengths and struggles. The Family Journal.

Lowe, C., Gibson, D. G., & Carlson, R. G. (in review). Examining the relationship between school counselors’ age, years of experience, school setting, and self-perceived transformational leadership skills. Manuscript submitted to Professional School Counseling Journal.

Fripp, J. A., & Carlson, R. G. (2017). Exploring the influence of attitudes and stigma on participation of African American and Latino populations in mental health services. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 45, 80-94. DOI: 10.1002/jmcd.12066.

Chezan, L., Wolfe, K., & Drasgow, E. (2017). A meta-analysis of functional communication training effects on problem behavior and alternative communicative responses. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. 

Gillam, S., Olszewski, A., Squires, K., Wolfe, K., & Gillam, R. (in press). Improving narrative production in children with specific language impairment: an early-stage efficacy study of a narrative intervention program. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools.

Wolfe, K., Blankenship, A., & Rispoli, M. (2018). Generalization of skills acquired in Language for Learning by young children with autism spectrum disorder.  Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities. 

Wolfe, K., Kunnavatana, S.S., & Shoemaker, A. (2017). An investigation of a video-based preference assessment of social interactions for children with autism spectrum disorder.  Behavior Modification.

Wolfe, K., Seaman, M.A., Drasgow, E., & Sherlock, P. (in press).  An evaluation of the agreement between the conservative dual-criterion method and expert visual analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.

Sellers, T.P., Kelley, K.N., Higbee, T.S., & Wolfe, K. (2016).  Effects of simultaneous script training on use of varied mand frames by preschoolers with autism.  The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 32, 15–26.



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