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College of Information and Communications

  • Michael Eisenberg

Annual lecture encourages bold commitment to information and knowledge school

Posted April 6, 2017

Dr. Michael Eisenberg, dean emeritus and professor emeritus of the Information School of the University of Washington, delivered the 2017 Deans' and Directors' Lecture "South Carolina – Your Time is Now" on Monday, April 3, at the South Carolina State Library. 

Dr. Eisenberg made the case for the importance of the information and communications fields in every area of human endeavor. He challenged South Carolinians to embrace that importance by thinking and acting big and bold, broad and deep to make the world a better place through programs, research, services, and engagement.

"Knowledge is joy," Eisenberg said. "When we move from information to knowledge, we feel joyous."

Dr. Eisenberg used the USC men's and women's basketball teams to illustrate "information activity" from a value-added perspective. He described how both coaches use information to manage their team's successes. (At 46 minute mark in video.)

Encouraging the school to move forward as a Knowledge School within the iSchool framework, Dr. Eisenberg said South Carolina is fertile ground and an "information wonderland."

He suggested growing the Knowledge School at USC by creating classes in areas such as web development and app creation, through good branding and by collaborating with others.

"You can never teach the undergrads too much technology," Dr. Eisenberg said. "Promote what is uniquely information and then collaborate with others ... music, business, medicine, anthropology, poetry, and public affairs. You can lead in your region and in your world.  There is plenty of room out there for all of us."

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
