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Weather Update: Columbia campus to open at noon Thursday, Jan. 23.

College of Information and Communications

Faculty and Staff

Jed Dearybury

Title: Adjunct Faculty
Department: School of Information Science
College of Information and Communications
Phone: 864-384-1127
Resources: Personal Website


B.A., Christian Studies, North Greenville College
M.A.T., Elementary Education, Converse College


An educator, author and illustrator, Jed Dearybury joined the School of Information Science as adjunct faculty teaching children's literature.  

Awards Won

Top 5 Finalist for SC Teacher of the Year

Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching


Dearybury, J., & Jones, J. (2020). The playful classroom: The power of play for all ages. Wiley.

Taylor, J., & Dearybury, J. (2021). The courageous classroom: Creating a culture of safety for students to learn and thrive. Wiley.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
