Photo: Dr. Candace P. Parrish presents Denetra Walker with the Inez Kaiser Graduate Students of Color Award for the Public Relations Division of AEJMC. Also pictured: Rick Kaiser, son of Inez Y. Kaiser.
Over the years, our doctoral students have been highly successful in having their research published in scholarly journals and presented to national and international conferences. Also, their success has been well demonstrated by receiving a number of scholarly and professional awards. Please see the following for details of the journal articles, conference papers, and awards produced by our current students.
This page is updated each year in January, but visit this page to view their current Accolades.
- Chen, Y., Long, J., Jun, J., Kim, S. H., Zain, A., & Piacentine, C. (2023). Anti-intellectualism amid the COVID-19 pandemic: The discursive elements and sources of anti-Fauci tweets. Public Understanding of Science.
- Ittefaq, M., Zain, A., & Bokhari, H. (2023). Opioids in Satirical News Shows: Exploring Topics, Sentiments, and Engagement in Last Week Tonight on YouTube. Journal of Health Communication, 28(1), 53-63.
- Jun, J., Wickersham, K., Zain, A., Ford, R., Zhang, N., Ciccarelli, C., Kim, S. H. & Liang, C. (2023). Cancer and COVID-19 vaccines on Twitter: the voice and vaccine attitude of cancer community. Journal of Health Communication, 28(1), 1-14.
- Kim, S.H., Oh, S.H., Zain, A., Heo, Y, & Jun, J. (2023). Transition from idealized science to culture of skepticism in South Korea: Micro-level evidence for the two-culture model of public understanding of science. International Journal of Public Opinion Research. 35(3).
- McKeever, B.W., McKeever, R., Choi, M., & Huang, S. (2023). From advocacy to activism: a multi-dimensional scale of communicative, collective, and combative behaviors. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 1– 26.
- Wertz, R.A. (2023), "Brand new: how visual context shapes initial response to logos and corporate visual identity systems", Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 32 No. 8, 1388-1398.
- Wu, L., Dodoo, N. A., & Choi, C. W. (2023). Relationship marketing with brand characters on Twitter: Message strategies and consumer engagement. Journal of Product & Brand Management.
- Zain, A. (2023). Celebrity Capital and Social Movements: A Textual Analysis of Bollywood Celebrities’ Tweets on 2020-21 Indian Farmers’ Protest. Southern Communication Journal, 88(3), 240-256.
- Zain, A. & Ciccarelli, C. (In Press). Political partisanship and belief in misinformation: operationalizing theory of planned behavior to predict intentions to quit social media. Southwestern Mass Communication Journal.
- Agaoglu, Ertan (2023). Digital Inequalities Among Elderly from Cumulative (Dis)advantage Perspective: A Case Study from The Anatolian Capital.
- Bhalla, N., Zain, A., and O’Boyle, J. (Accepted; May, 2023). Twitter
Conversations about Causes, Solutions and Effects of Delhi Air Pollution: Agenda-Building Content Analysis. International Communication Association Annual Conference, Toronto. - Chen, Yu (2023). How Do Followers Respond to Marketing Behavior of Social Cause Influencers? A Qualitative Study Among Chinese Podcaster Users. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Washington, D. C.
- Evans, Jabari and Ezenna, Covenant Odera (2023). Connected Learning, Social Media and Black Youth Participation in Civic Engagement. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Washington, D. C.
- Grant, A., Hubner, A., Piacentine, C., Wilkinson, J., Miller, S., & Bowe, B. (2023). Correspondence of Frames as a Predictor of Media Effects. Research in Progress Session, Broadcast Education Association Conference, Las Vegas.
- Hubner, Austin; Grant, August; Wilkinson, Jeffrey; Miller, Serena, and Piacentine, Colin (2023). Exploring the Congruence of Audience and Media Frames: The Impact of Political Leaning on Media Effects. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Washington, D. C.
- Ittefaq, M., Zain, A., and Bokhari, H. (2022, May). Opioids as comedy: exploring topics, sentiments, and engagement in Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on YouTube. International Communication Association Annual Conference, Paris.
- Jun, J., Wen, J., Zain, A., and Alharbi, K. (2023, August). The Influence of ‘US FDA’ Authorized Modified Exposure Claim on Heuristic Processing of Warnings, Positive Evaluation, and Greater Acceptance of Novel Tobacco Promotional Message Among Young Adults. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference. Washington, D. C.
- Kim, M., Jun, J., Zain, A., Kim, J., Alharbi, K., and Thrasher, J. (2023, October). Young adults’ responses to Philip Morris International’s Message Promoting “Smokefree” Product. Fall 2023 NIH Tobacco Regulatory Science Meeting, Washington, D.C.
- Myers, Christina (2023). Andscape, “Where Blackness is Infinite:” A Critical Race Analysis of Brian Flores’ NFL Lawsuit Coverage. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Washington, D. C.
- Trifiro, Briana; Shaughnessy, Brittany; Conro, Kimi, and Stewart, Kate (2023). “I Think There’s Been a Glitch”: A Content Analytic Approach to Understanding Twitter Discourse Surrounding Ticketmaster’s Mishandling of Ticket Sales for The Eras Tour. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Washington, D. C.
- Walker, Denetra (2023). From “China Virus” to “Kung-Flu”: A Critical Race Case Study of Asian American Journalist Perceptions of Xenophobia and Racism in Coronavirus Coverage. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Southeast Colloquium, Elon, N. C.
- Wande-Kayode, Adetutu (2023). Campaign Communication for Breast Cancer: Exploring Gaming Narratives as Vicarious Vehicles. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Washington, D. C.
- Zain, A., Li, Z., Liang, C., and Li, X. (2023). Diffusion of polarized information on Twitter and vaccination behaviors: Understanding intertwined role of moralization and emotions. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference, Washington, D. C.
Dante Mozie
- Finalist Award, 2023 Ronald T. and Gayla D. Farrar Award in Media & Civil Rights History, University of South Carolina Media and Civil Rights History Symposium, Columbia, SC.
Colin Piacentine
- 2023 American Academy of Advertising Dissertation Competition Award
Ali Zain
- 2020-2023 Junior Scholar Award, South Carolina SmartState Center of Health Quality, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.
- 2023 Breakthrough Graduate Scholar Award, Office of the Vice President for Research, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.
- Inductee, Albert T. Scroggins Chapter of Kappa Tau Alpha, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.
- Haun, D.D. & Robinson, E.P. (2022), Do You Agree?: The Psychology and Legalities of Assent to Clickwrap Agreements, [University of] Richmond Journal of Law & Technology, 28:4, 623-656.
- Hull, K., Romney, M., Pellizzaro, K., & Walker, D. (2022). “It’s impossible”: Local sports broadcasters and the prospect of motherhood. Journal of Sports Media, 17(1), 69-89.
- Hull, K., Walker, D., Romney, M., & Pellizzaro, K. (2022). “Through Our Prism”: Black Television Sports Journalists’ Work Experiences and Interactions with Black Athletes. Journalism Practice, 1-18.
- Jun, J., Zain, A., Chen, Y., & Kim, S. H. (2022). Adverse mentions, negative sentiment, and emotions in COVID-19 vaccine tweets and their association with vaccination uptake: Global comparison of 192 countries. Vaccines, 10(5), 735.
- Jun, J., Fitzpatrick, M. A., Zain, A., & Zhang, N. (2022). Have E- cigarette Risk Perception and Cessation Intent of Young Adult Users Changed During the Pandemic?. American Journal of Health Behavior, 46(3), 304-314.
- Jun, J., Zhang, N., Zain, A., & Mohammadi, E. (2022). Social media discussions on the FDA’s modified risk tobacco product authorization of IQOS. Substance Use & Misuse, 57(3), 472-480.
- Mozie, D. (2022). “They Killin’ Us For No Reason”: Black Lives Matter, Police Brutality, and Hip-Hop Music: A Quantitative Content Analysis. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 99(3): 826-847.
- Yuan, S., Chen, Y., Vojta, S., & Chen, Y. (2022). More aggressive, more retweets? Exploring the effects of aggressive climate change messages on Twitter. New Media & Society.
- Ball, Brett (2022). Faith, Family, and Food: A Documentary Film Introduction of a Family's Lived Experiences. National Communication Association Annual Conference. New Orleans.
- Blom, Robin and Carl, Ciccarelli (2022). Expectation Violations and Crisis Communication: Contingency Theory in the Context of Media Priming and Memory Accessibility. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Detroit.
- Chen, Y., Long, J., Jun J., Kim, S., Zain, A., & Piacentine, C. (2022). Anti-intellectualism amid the Covid-19 pandemic: The dynamics of anti-Fauci discourse on Twitter. International Communications Association Annual Conference, Paris.
- Chen, Yingying; Yuan, Shupei; Chen, Cindy Yu; Vojta, Sophia (2022). Serial Participants and the Evolution of Aggressive Conversation Networks about Climate Change on Twitter. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Detroit.
- Ciccarelli, Carl (2022). Predicting Potential Adoption of Risky Vaping Behaviors Among College Students Using the Variables of Framing and Perceived Behavioral Control. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Detroit.
- Ciccarelli, C., McKeever B., & McKeever, R. (2022, August). Empathy and the Health Belief Model in the Context of COVID-19. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference. Detroit.
- Dino Gidreta, A., Binark, M., Ozsu, G. and Zain, A. (2022). Trusts and doubts in Africa over Belt and Road Initiative: a thematic content analysis of opinions in Ethiopian twittersphere. Etkileşim 5(9), 12-35.
- Edrington, C., Mortensen, T., Ezenna, O. (2022, March). Cultural Projection via #IAmABlackMan Challenge on Instagram. Research In Progress, Association of Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Southeast Colloquium. Memphis.
- Gunby, Keisa (2022). The Impact of Black Male Superintendents' Race and Gender in Organizational Change. National Communication Association Annual Conference. New Orleans.
- Habib, Sabrina and Stewart, Kate (2021). South Carolina, Jorge Villegas, Illinois Springfield, and Thomas Vogel, Emerson (2022). Mind the Gap: Are Societal and Technological Changes Reflected in the Advertising Curriculum? Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Detroit.
- Heo, Y., Choi, C. W., Overton, H., K. Kim, J., & Zhang, N. (2022). Feeling connected to the cause: The role of perceived social distance on cause involvement and consumer response to CSR communication. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 99(1), 213-236.
- Ittefaq, Muhammad, Zain, Ali, and Bokhari, Hasnain (2022). Opioids as Comedy: Exploring Topics, Sentiments, and Engagement in Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on YouTube. International Communication Association Annual Conference. Paris.
- Jun, J. and Zain, A. (2022, February). Global Comparison of COVID-19 Vaccination Sentiments and Emotions on Twitter: Findings from 192 Countries. National Big Data Health Science Conference, Columbia, S.C.
- Jun, J., & Zain, A. (2022). Global comparison of ‘COVID-19 vaccination’ sentiments and emotions on Twitter: Findings from 192 countries. S.C. Big Data Health Science Center Conference, Columbia, S.C.
- Kim, J., Jun, J., Overton, H., Robertson, B., Bhalla, N., & Ciccarelli, C. (2022). Science, faith, and information sources as drivers of individuals' perceptions of COVID-19 risk and mask-wearing intention. International Communication Association Annual Conference, Paris. Hybrid
- Kim, Joon; Jun, Jungmi; Overton, Holly; Robertson Brett; Bhalla Nandini; Ciccarelli, Carl (2022). Science, Faith, and Information Sources as Drivers of Individuals’ Perceptions of COVID-19 Risk and Mask-Wearing Intentions. International Communication Association Annual Conference. Paris. Hybrid
- McDermott, B., Mortensen, T., Wertz, B. (2022, August). Measuring How Presentational Context and Professional Authorship Affects Credibility. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Detroit.
- Mortensen, T; Wen, T.; Piacentine, C.; McDermott, B.; and Best, N. (2022). An Eye-tracking Analysis of Negative and Positive Emotional Staff and Stock Photos in the News. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Detroit.
- Mozie, Dante (2022). "Pick Up Arms and Fight”: Editorial Coverage of the 1970 Jackson State College Shootings -- A Qualitative Coding Analysis. National Communication Association Annual Conference. New Orleans.
- Piacentine, Colin (2022). Narrative Advertising in Podcasts: Interactions of Ad Type and Podcast Literacy on Evaluations and Effectiveness. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Detroit.
- Piacentine, Colin (2022). The True Crime Narrative and Digital Media: A Paratextual Analysis of the Podcast Your Own Backyard. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Detroit.
- Robertson, Brett; Stewart, Kate; and Rainear, Adam (2022). Watching People Eat: Understanding Mukbang Video Viewing Motivations and Outcomes. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Detroit.
- Webster, Larry and Grant (August (2022). The Binge Viewing Index: Creating and Testing a New Measure. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Detroit.
- Wertz, Robert (2022). Logo Love? An Exploration of American Consumers’ Critical Attitudes Towards Logos. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Detroit.
- Yuan, S., Chen, Y., Vojta, S., & Chen, CY. (2022). More aggressive, more retweets? Exploring the effects of aggressive climate change messages on Twitter. International Communications Association Annual Conference, Paris.
- Zain, Ali and Long, Jacob (2022). Countering Online Misinformation: Testing Impact of State Sponsorship Labels on Message Credibility, Verification Intention and Behavior. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Detroit.
- Zain, Ali (2022). Spiral of Silence 50 Years Later. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Detroit.
- Zain, Ali (2022). Moralization in Polarized Debate on COVID-19 Vaccination: Human-AI Collaborative Analysis of Tweets. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Detroit.
- Zain, A. (2022, March). Online endorsed misinformation and climate change: using heuristic cues to assess perceived credibility of messages and sharing intentions. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Southeast Colloquium, Memphis.
- Zain, A. (2022, August). Spiral of silence 50 years later: conceptual and empirical new directions. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Detroit.
Khalid Alharbi
- 2022 American Academy of Advertising Dissertation Competition Award
Dante Mozie
- Inductee, Albert T. Scroggins Chapter of Kappa Tau Alpha, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.
- Inductee, Chi Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.
- Recipient, 2022 Top Student Paper Award, 108thAnnual National Communication Association Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Ali Zain
- First Place Moeller Student Paper Award, 2022 Annual Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference, Detroit.
- Mass Communication and Society Travel Grant, 2022 Annual Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference, Detroit.
- Michael Haley Travel Grant, 2022 International Communication Association Conference, Paris.
- Political Communication Division Travel Grant, 2022 International Communication Association Conference, Paris.
- Top Student Paper Award, 2022 Annual Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Southeast Colloquium, Memphis.
- Heo, Y. J., Choi, C. W., Overton, H., Kim, J. & Nanlan, Z. (2021). Feeling connected to the cause: The role of perceived social distance on cause involvement and consumer response to CSR communication. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. DOI: 10.1177/10776990211041546 [SSCI, IF: 4.13]
- Taylor, W., Choi, C. W., Wu, L., & Morris, J. D. (2021). Empowering emotion: The driving force of share and purchase intentions in viral advertising. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising. DOI: 10.1080/10641734.2021.1937408 [Scopus]
- Choi, C. W. (2021). Cross-cultural comparisons of popular YouTube ads: A content analysis of YouTube video ads in the U.S. and South Korea. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science. DOI: 10.1080/21639159.2020.1808828 [Korea Citation Index; Emerging Sources Citation Index]
- Jun, J., Choi C. W., & Kim, J. (2021). Bridging tobacco control advocacy and the strategic communication scholarship: Tackling the tobacco industry’s extrinsic corporate social responsibility with strategic networking. In Botan, C. H. (Ed)., The handbook of strategiccommunication. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell
- Jun, J., Choi C. W., & Kim, J. (2021). Bridging tobacco control advocacy and the strategic communication scholarship: Tackling the tobacco industry’s extrinsic corporate social responsibility with strategic networking. In Botan, C. H. (Ed)., The handbook of strategic communication. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Jo-Yun Li, Kim, J & Alharbi, K. (2021) Exploring the role of issue involvement and brand attachment in shaping consumer response toward corporate social advocacy (CSA) initiatives: the case of Nike’s Colin Kaepernick campaign, International Journal of Advertising, DOI: 10.1080/02650487.2020.1857111
- Boling, K. S., & Walker, D. (2021). How race and gender impact perceived objectivity of broadcast women of color on Twitter. Social Media + Society. DOI:10.1177/20563051211062921
- Wen, J., Carter, J., Sar, S., Anghelcev, G., Ham, C.D. (2021). “Effects of Affect: How Mood and Arousal Influence Consumer Evaluation of Search Engine Result Page (SERP) Ad Snippets.” Journal of Interactive Advertising.
- Lee, Y., Huang, K. T., Blom, R., Schriner, R., & Ciccarelli, C. A. (2021). To Believe or Not to Believe: Framing Analysis of Content and Audience Response of Top 10 Deepfake Videos on YouTube. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, p. 1-6.
- Ciccarelli, C. A. (2021). Branding Concepts for the Modern Age: Understanding the Fundamentals of Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing to Study and Grow Brand Efficiency. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. ISBN # 978-1-7924-4752-5, p. 1-104.
- Zain, A., (2021). (Re)Production of Hindutva-Driven Populism in India: An Analysis of Bharatiya Janata Party’s Political Messaging in Twittersphere. The Journal of Asian Studies 5(2), 179-194. DOI: 10.34189/asyam.5.2.005
- Kim, S. H., Zain, A. Heo, Y. J. (2021, August). Idealized science vs. scientific skepticism in South Korea: Micro-level evidence for the two-cultures thesis. Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Virtual Conference.
- Kim, J.K., Overton H., Alharbi, K., & Carter, J. (2021, November). Examining the role of self-enhancement, collective efficacy, and subjective norm as predictors of corporate social advocacy support. Paper to be presented at the 107 National Communications Association Convention (Public Relation Division), Seattle, WA.
- Kim, J.K., Alharbi, K., Carter, J., Bhalla, N., & Huang, S. (2021, November). Faith is good for business: consumer-company congruence and the connection between religious strength and consumer behavior. Paper to be presented at the 107 National Communications Association Convention (Mass Communication Division), Seattle, WA.
- Kim, J.K., Overton H., Carter, J., Alharbi, K., & Bhalla, N. (2021, May). Examining the psychological determinants of consumer support for corporate social advocacy. Paper to be presented at the 71st International Communications Association Conference, Denver, CO (Virtual).
- Alharbi, K. (2021, March). The Mechanism Behind the Impact of Influencer Marketing: The Moderating Role of Perceived Influencer Marketing Value. Paper presented at the 2021 American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference (Virtual).
- Ball, B. (2021, November). Cheating on God: The Intersection of Race, Sports, Religion and Mental Health. National Communication Association (NCA) 107th Annual Convention; Seattle, WA.
- Ball, S. (2021, March). (accepted). Suicide and the Media: The Framing of Ex- NFL player Aaron Hernandez. International Association for Communication in Sport 2021; St. Petersburg, Florida.
- Ciccarelli, C.A. (2021). A Critical Qualitative Analysis of Response Framing of the COVID- 19 Pandemic Across Higher Education. 2021 AEJMC Virtual Conference; Graduate Student Interest Group (GSIG), Topic 1 – Pandemic Coping and Expressing Emotions.
- "Gunby, K. (2021, November 21). I’m not ok: Teacher job satisfaction during a pandemic. National Communicators Association, Seattle, WA, United States."
- "Kim, S. H., Zain, A. Heo, Y. J. (2021, August). Idealized science vs. scientific skepticism in South Korea: Micro-level evidence for the two-cultures thesis. Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Virtual Conference."
- Kim, J. K., Alharbi, K., Carter, J., Bhalla, N., & Huang, S. (2021) “Faith is Good For Business: Consumer-Company Congruence and the Connection Between Religious Strength and Consumer Behavior.” – Presented at 2021 National Communication Association (NCA) Annual Convention, November 20201, Seattle
- Kim, J. K., Overton, H., Alharbi, K. & Carter, J. (2021). "Examining the Role of Self-Enhancement, Collective Efficacy, and Subjective Norm as Predictors of Corporate Social Advocacy Support." – Presented at 2021 National Communication Association (NCA) Annual Convention, November 2021, Seattle
- Johnson, Sarah (2021, August). Credibility from the Source: Comparing Traditional Celebrity Endorsers with Youtube Endorsers. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (Online)
- Mozie, D. (2021, October). A “Step-Child Negro School”: The 1968 Bluefield State Bombing and the Fight for Black Equity and Identity (Research-in-Progress). Paper presented at the Critical Race Studies in Education Association Conference, Dover, DE.
- Mozie, D. (2021, October). “By All Means Necessary”: How Joyner v. Whiting Came to Be. Paper presented at the 40th Annual American Journalism Historians Association Convention.
- "Mozie, D. (2021, March). “They Killin’ Us For No Reason”: Black Lives Matter, Hip-Hop Music, and Police Brutality: A Quantitative Content Analysis. Paper presented at the AEJMC Midwinter Conference, Norman, OK. •Recipient of the Entertainment Studies Interest Group (ESIG) Top Abstract Award"
Shudan Huang 2021
- Graduate Civic Scholars Program (GCSP), The Graduate School at the University of South Carolina, $500
- Muslim Women and the Media Training Institute Fellowship, provided by the University of California, Davis, $1000
Public Relations Division Newsom Paper Award, AEJMC, presented to Bhalla, N., Kim, Y. & Huang, S. (2020) How Do Stakeholders React to Different Levels of LGBTQ-related Diversity and Inclusion CSR in India? Examining Social Acceptance, Perceived Fit, and Value-driven Attribution (2020)
Dante Mozie
- Mozie, D. (2021, March). AEJMC Midwinter Conference, Norman, OK.
- Recipient of the Entertainment Studies Interest Group (ESIG) Top Abstract Award
Christina Myers
- SEC Emerging Scholar 2021
- AEJMC Guido Stempel Award 2021
- University of South Carolina Critical Race Theory Institute Fellow 2021
- Grace Jordan McFadden Professors Program Scholar 2021
- Hull, K., Romney, M., Pellizzaro, K., & Walker, D. (2021, August) Where do I even begin?”: The Harassment of Female Local Sports Broadcasters. Poster Session. Virtual AEJMC Poster Session.
- Walker, D. (2021, March). Soldiers for Social Justice: NABJ Championing the Call from the Civil Rights Movement to Black Lives Matter. Media & Civil Rights History Symposium. (Virtual)
- Walker, D., & Boling, K. S. (2020, August). Black maternal mortality in the media: How journalists cover a deadly racial disparity. Accepted for presentation at the 2020 “Virtual” AEJMC Conference in San Francisco, CA. Minorities and Communication Division First Place Student Paper.
- Hull, K., Walker, D., Romney, M., & Pellizzaro, K. (2020, August). “Through our prism:” A survey of Black local sportscasters’ views and interactions with Black athletes. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (AEJMC) 103rd Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. First Place Paper in the Minorities and Communication Division.
- Boling, K. S., & Walker, D. (2020, August). The impact of race, ethnicity, and gender on perceived objectivity of broadcasters on Twitter. Accepted for presentation at the 2020 Association for Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Conference, San Francisco, CA (Electronic News Division).
- Choi, C.W., Jones-Jang, M., Heo, Y-J., Carter, J., Walker, D., & Alharbi, K., “Are Social Media the Agenda Setter or Follower of Fake News?” Presented at 70th Annual ICA Virtual Conference. Gold Coast, Australia, 21-25 May 2020.
- Carter, J. & Wen, J. (2020). “Ads for Forever Families: How Public Service Advertising Portrays Adoptive Children and Parents.” Advertising & Society Quarterly, 21 (4).
- Li., J-Y., Tian, S., Carter, J., & Wen, J. (2020). “More than the bottom line: Exploring social responsibility practices in hospital settings in the United States.” Health Marketing Quarterly, 37(2).
- Choi, C. W. (2020). Increasing company-cause fit: The effects of a relational ad message and consumers’ cause involvement on attitude toward the CSR activity. International Journal of Advertising. DOI: 10.1080/02650487.2020.1822060 [SSCI, IF: 4.62]
- Choi, C. W. (2020). The impacts of consumer personality traits on online video ads sharing intention. Journal of Promotion Management, 26(7), 1073-1092, DOI: 10.1080/10496491.2020.1746468 [Scopus]
- Moon, B., Choi, C. W., and Yoo, S.-W. (2020). Patterns and frames in news coverage of the 2015 MERS outbreak: A cross-national comparison between South Korea, China, and the US. Asian Communication Research. 17(2), 41-68, DOI:10.20879/acr.2020.17.2.41 [Korea Citation Index]
- Boling, K. S. (2020). #ShePersisted, Mitch: A memetic critical discourse analysis on an attempted Instagram feminist revolution. Feminist Media Studies, 20(7), 966-982. DOI:10.1080/14680777.2019.1620821
- Hull, K., Joon, K., Haun, D., & Stilwell, M. (August 2020). Slamdunk: An examination of how magazines can create loyal readers. Journal of Magazine Media, Volume 20.
- Zain, A., Ozsu, G. , Binark, M. and Dino Gidreta, A., (2020). China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and Technicians of Opinion in Pakistani Twittersphere: A Thematic Content Analysis. The Journal of Asian Studies 4(1),9-28.
- Walker, D. (2020, August) “There’s a camera everywhere”: How citizen journalists, cell phones, and technology shape news coverage of police shootings. Accepted for presentation at the AEJMC “Virtual” Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. Communication Technology Division: Joon Sook Lee Second Place Student Paper.
- Walker, D., & Boling, K. S. (2020, August). Black maternal mortality in the media: How journalists cover a deadly racial disparity. Accepted for presentation at the 2020 “Virtual” AEJMC Conference in San Francisco, CA. Minorities and Communication Division First Place Student Paper.
- Walker, D. (2020, August) “There’s a camera everywhere”: How citizen journalists, cell phones, and technology shape news coverage of police shootings. Accepted for presentation at the AEJMC “Virtual” Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. Communication Technology Division: Joon Sook Lee Second Place Student Paper.
- Hull, K., Romney, M., Pellizzaro, K., & Walker, D. (2020, August) “It’s impossible”: Local sports broadcasters and the prospect of motherhood. (Virtual) Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (AEJMC) 103rd Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. First Place Paper in the Sports Communication Interest Group
- Hull, K., Walker, D., Romney, M., & Pellizzaro, K. (2020, August). “Through our prism:” A survey of Black local sportscasters’ views and interactions with Black athletes. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (AEJMC) 103rd Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. First Place Paper in the Minorities and Communication Division.
- Boling, K. S., & Walker, D. (2020, August). The impact of race, ethnicity, and gender on perceived objectivity of broadcasters on Twitter. Accepted for presentation at the 2020 Association for Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Conference, San Francisco, CA (Electronic News Division).
- Choi, C.W., Jones-Jang, M., Heo, Y-J., Carter, J., Walker, D., & Alharbi, K., “Are Social Media the Agenda Setter or Follower of Fake News?” Presented at 70th Annual ICA Virtual Conference. Gold Coast, Australia, 21-25 May 2020
- Heo, Y. J., Choi, C. W., Overton, H., Kim, J. & Nanlan, Z. (2020, August 6-9). In-group vs. out-group CSR messages and the effects of gender and cause involvement on brand attitudes and positive word- of-mouth intentions [Conference presentation]. 2020 Associations for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
- Choi, C. W., Jones-Jang, M., Heo, Y.-J., Carter, J., Walker, D., & Alharbi, K. (2020, May 20-27). Are social media the agenda setter or follower of fake news? [Conference presentation]. 2020 International Communication Association (ICA) Annual Conference, Gold Coast, Australia.
- Wen, T. J., Choi, C. W., & Wu, L. (2020, March 26-29). The contagious emotions: Positive, arousing and empowering emotions determine share and purchase intentions in viral advertising [Conference presentation]. 2020 American Academy of Advertising (AAA) Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Hull, K., Choi, M., & Stilwell, M. (2020, April 2-5) “Bravo, Mr. Love”: A case study analyzing
- reader comments regarding mental health in sports [Paper presentation]. International Association for Communication and Sport (IACS) 2020 Summit on Communication and Sport, St. Petersburg, FL, United States. (Conference cancelled).
- Kim, S. H., Jun, J, Thrasher, J, Heo, Y. J., & Cho, Y (2020, August). News Media Presentations of Heated Tobacco Products (HTPs): A Content Analysis of News Coverage in South Korea. Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Virtual Conference.
- Heo, Y. J., Choi, C. W., Overton, H., Kim, J. K., & Zhang, N. (2020, August). In-Group vs. Out-Group CSR Messages and the Effects of Gender and Cause Involvement on Brand Attitudes and Positive Word-of-Mouth Intentions. Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Virtual Conference.
- Heo, Y. J., Chung, S., & Moon, J., H. (2020, May). When Private Opinion Meets Public Opinion: Actual Impact and Biases in Poll Effect Perceptions. Paper presented at International Communication Association, Gold Coast, Australia.
- Choi, C. W., Jones-Jang, M., Heo, Y. J., Carter, J., Walker, D., & Alharbi, K. (2020,
- May). Are social media the agenda setter or follower of fake news? Paper presented at International Communication Association, Gold Coast, Australia.
- Alharbi, K., Carter, J., & Kenneth, C. (2020, August). Superiority, Comfort and Responsiveness: U.S. Car Ads Take on Japanese Competition, 1965-1977. Paper presented at the 103rd Annual AEJMC Conference (Advertising division), San Francisco, USA (Virtual).
- Alharbi, K. and Boling, K., & Pardun, C. (2020, August). Saudi Women Take the Wheel: A Content Analysis of How Saudi Arabian Car Companies Reached Women on Social Media. Paper presented at the 103rd Annual AEJMC Conference (International Communication division), San Francisco, USA (Virtual).
- Choi, C., Jang, M., Heo, Y., Carter, J., Walker, D., & Alharbi, K. (2020, June). Are Social Media the Agenda Setter or Follower of Fake News? Paper presented at the 70th Annual International Communication Association Conference, Golden City, Australia.
- Jo-Yun Li, Q., Kim, J., & Alharbi, K (2020, March). Why does it fit? Exploring the role of issue involvement and brand association in shaping corporate social advocacy (CSA)–brand fit: The case of Nike’s Colin Kaepernick campaign. Paper presented at the International Public Relations Research 2020 Conference, Orlando, FL.
- Alharbi, K., Kim, J., Noland, C., & Carter, J. (2020, March). When Cause-Related Marketing Meets Controversy: The Role of Consumers–Brand Congruence and Consumers-Celebrity Congruence. Paper presented at the 2020 American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Huang, Shudan. “How Do Stakeholders React to Different Levels of LGBTQ-related Diversity and Inclusion CSR in India? Examining Social Acceptance, Perceived Fit, and Value-driven Attribution” accepted by 2020 AEJMC
- Huang, Shudan. "From Advocacy to Activism: Scale Development of Behavioral Steps” accepted by 2020 AEJMC
- Huang, Shudan. “Examining Consumer Attitudes Toward CSR and CSA Messages” accepted by 2020 AEJMC
- Mozie, D. (2020, March). “Race Trouble” vs. “Operation 35”: Opposing Frames of the 1960 Tallahassee, Florida, Sit-Ins as Crafted by Mainstream and Student Journalists. Paper presented at the Joint Journalism and Communication History Conference, New York, NY.
- Hull, K., Romney, M., Choi, M., & Stilwell, M. (April 2020). “Bravo, Mr. Love”: A Case Study Analyzing Reader Comments Regarding Mental Health in Sports. Poster to be presented at 2020 Summit on Communication and Sport, St. Petersburg, FL.
- Wertz. Bob. AEJMC Southeast Colloquium 2020 Mar-20 Forgotten Technology, Lasting Impact: The Linotype’s Influence on South Carolina’s Newspapers from 1890-1925. Presented on March 21, 2020 at AEJMC’s Southeast Colloquium, originally scheduled for Memphis, but rescheduled as a virtual conference because of COVID-19.
- Ozsu, G., Zain, A., Binark, M. and Dino Gidreta, A., (2020, November). Technicians of opinion in Ethiopia, Pakistan, and Turkey and their tweets about Chinese vision of alternative globalization: a comparative content analysis. 17th International Symposium: Communication in the Millennium (CIM ’20). Istanbul, Turkey. ISBN: 978-605-83703-9-5.
- Zain, A., (2020.) Contact and Sanction: Use of Cricket as Diplomatic Tool by India and Pakistan. In Binark, Mutlu (Ed.) Popular Culture and Media in Asia. Ankara, Turkey: um:ag, Page: 411-440, ISBN: 978-605-7882-42-4.
- Zain, A., (2020). Aging Friendly Smartphones. In Yeliz Dede and Mehmet Figan (Ed.) Aging in Digital Culture and Afterwards. Ankara, Turkey: Alternatif Bilisim Dernegi, Page: 297-314, ISBN: 978-605-80007-2-8.
- Ball, B., Rawlings, C. (2020, May). (abstract accepted). Understanding Social Networks Influence on Mental Health Outcomes. Professional Association for Athlete Development.; Manhattan, New York.
- Boling, K. S., & Walker, D. (2020, August). The impact of race, ethnicity, and gender on perceived objectivity of broadcasters on Twitter. Presented at the 2020 Association for Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference in San Francisco, CA.
- Walker, D., & Boling, K. S. (2020, August). Black maternal mortality in the media: How journalists cover a deadly racial disparity. Presented at the 2020 Association for Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference in San Francisco, CA. First Place Student Paper, Minorities and Communication Division
- Boling, K. S., & Moscowitz, L. M. (2020, August). Truth, justice, and sexual harassment: A comparative analysis of the Op-Eds in the Hill-Thomas and Ford-Kavanaugh hearings. Presented at the 2020 Association for Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference in San Francisco, CA.
- Alharbi, K., Pardun, C. J., & Boling, K. S. (2020, August). Saudi women take the wheel: A content analysis of how Saudi Arabian car companies reached women on social media. Presented at the 2020 Association for Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference in San Francisco, CA.
- Birmingham, B.D., Bowen, S.A. (2020). “Perceptions of Social Responsibility: Traditional CSR or A Portion-of-Profits Scheme?” Presented at the International Public Relations Research Conference (IPRRC), Orlando, FL., March 2020.
- Carter, J. & Wu, L. (2020). “I’d Rather Hear it from a Robot: How Audio Voice Drives Preferences in AI-Powered Audio Messages.” – Presented at 2020 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) National Conference, August 2020, San Francisco.
- Carter, J., Wen, J., & Ham, C.-D. (2020). “The Effects of Affect: The Influence of Mood and Arousal on Processing Search Engine Result Page Snippets.” – Presented at 2020 American Academy of Advertising (AAA) Annual Conference, March 2020, San Diego, CA.
- Alharbi, K., & Carter, J., & Campbell, K. (2020). “Superiority, Comfort and Responsiveness: U.S. Car Ads Take on Japanese Competition, 1965-1977.” – Accepted for presentation at 2020 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) National Conference, August 2020, San Francisco.
- Alharbi, K., Kim, J., Noland, C., & Carter, J. (2020). “When Cause-Related Marketing Meets Controversy: The role of Consumers-Brand Congruence and Consumers-Celebrity Congruence.” – Presented at 2020 American Academy of Advertising (AAA) Annual Conference, March 2020, San Diego, CA. * AAA Top Student Paper Award Recipient
- Choi, C. W., Jones-Jang, M., Heo, Y.-J., Carter, J., Walker, D., & Alharbi, K. (2020). “Are social media the agenda setter or follower of fake news?.” - Accepted for presentation at 2020 International Communication Association (ICA) Annual Conference, May 2020, Gold Coast, Australia.
- Zhang, N., Carter, J., McKeever, & R. McKeever, B.W. (2020). “Perceived Difference Matters: Antecedents to Third-Person Perceptions and Social Support for Mental Health.” – Presented at the 2020 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Southeast Colloquium, March 2020, Memphis, TN.
- Heo, Y. J., Choi, C. W., Overton, H., Kim, J.CSR messages and the effects of gender and cause involvement on brand attitudes and positive word- of-mouth intentions [Conference presentation]. 2020 Associations for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. & Nanlan, Z. (2020, August 6-9). In-group vs. out-group
- Choi, C. W., Jones-Jang, M., Heo, Y.-J., Carter, J., Walker, D., & Alharbi, K. (2020, May 20-27). Are social media the agenda setter or follower of fake news? [Conference presentation]. 2020 International Communication Association (ICA) Annual Conference, Gold Coast, Australia.
- Wen, T. J., Choi, C. W., & Wu, L. (2020, March 26-29). The contagious emotions: Positive, arousing and empowering emotions determine share and purchase intentions in viral advertising [Conference presentation]. 2020 Moon, B., Choi, C. W., & Yang, S. U. (2018, August 6-9). Exploring the antecedents of online information seeking and sharing in a public health crisis [Conference presentation]. 2018 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
- Gunby, K. (2020, August 6-9). Bring Back Dads: A qualitative content analysis of the role of Black fathers on television [Poster presentation]. AEJMC 2020 Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, United States.
- Gunby, K. (2020, Oct 23-24). 34th Annual Organization Communication Mini Conference, (OCMC), Virtual.
- "Kim, S. H., Jun, J, Thrasher, J, Heo, Y. J., & Cho, Y (2020, August). News Media Presentations of Heated Tobacco Products (HTPs): A Content Analysis of News Coverage in South Korea. Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Virtual Conference."
- Heo, Y. J., Choi, C. W., Overton, H., Kim, J. K., & Zhang, N. (2020, August). In-Group vs. Out-Group CSR Messages and the Effects of Gender and Cause Involvement on Brand Attitudes and Positive Word-of-Mouth Intentions. Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Virtual Conference.
- Heo, Y. J., Chung, S., & Moon, J., H. (2020, May). When Private Opinion Meets Public Opinion: Actual Impact and Biases in Poll Effect Perceptions. Paper presented at International Communication Association, Gold Coast, Australia.
- Choi, C. W., Jones-Jang, M., Heo, Y. J., Carter, J., Walker, D., & Alharbi, K. (2020, May). Are social media the agenda setter or follower of fake news? Paper presented at International Communication Association, Gold Coast, Australia.
Shudan Huang 2020
- Public Relations Division Newsom Paper Award, AEJMC, presented to Bhalla, N., Kim, Y. & Huang, S. (2020) How Do Stakeholders React to Different Levels of LGBTQ-related Diversity and Inclusion CSR in India? Examining Social Acceptance, Perceived Fit, and Value-driven Attribution (2020)
Dante Mozie
- Mozie, D. (2020, March). Paper presented at the Joint Journalism and Communication History Conference, New York, NY.
- Part of the 2020 "Eliot King Top Research-In-Progress Presentations" Session
Christina Myers
AEJMC Presidential Diversity & Inclusion Fellow 2020
Grace Jordan McFadden Professors Program Scholar 2020
Kelli Boling
- Mass Communications and Society Graduate Research Award, MC&S Division, 2019 AJEMC National Conference, Toronto, Canada, $5,000
- Mary Gardner Award for Graduate Student Research, Commission on the Status of Women, 2019 AEJMC National Conference, Toronto, Canada, $250
- Third place student paper, AEJMC Law & Policy Division, 2019 AEJMC National Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- Top Student Paper, AEJMC Newspaper & Online News Division, 2019 Southeast Colloquium, Columbia, SC
Chang Won Choi
- 2020 American Academy of Advertising (AAA) Graduate Student Travel Grant.
Yu-Jin Heo
- Second Place in Student Paper Competition of the CTEC Division, AEJMC 2019.
- Graduate Student Travel Grant (KACA).
Jackson Carter
- Arthur W. Page Center Benchmarking Award Recipient. 2019 International Public Relations Research Conference
Joon Kim
- 2019 Breakthrough Graduate Scholar Award. University of South Carolina
Minhee Choi
- Promising Professor Award (First Place), Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Mass Comm & Society Division, 2019
- Arthur W. Page Center for Integrity in Public Communication Legacy Scholar Grant (Co-Investigators: Dr. Brooke McKeever & Dr. Robert McKeever) $5,000, 2019-2020
Chris Noland
- Top Student Paper (Second Place) in Advertising Division. AEJMC
- Moeller Student Paper Competition (Second Place) in Mass Communication & Society Division. AEJMC
Matt Stilwell
- Professional Development Fund for Research from Midlands Technical College
Denetra Walker
- Top Student Paper Award AEJMC’s 44th annual Southeast Colloquium 2019
Nanlan Zhang
- Travel Grant ($500), AEJMC 2019
- The First Place of IPR-PRIME Research Infographic Design Internship Competition
- Bhalla, N., & Moscowitz, L. (in press). Yoga for Every (body)? A Critical Analysis of the Evolution of Yoga Representation across Four Decades in Yoga Journal. The Journal of Magazine Media.
- Bhalla, N., and Moscowitz, D. (2019). Objectified Yoga: Commodity, Identity, and Embodiment in US Women’s Magazines. Journal of Communication Inquiry.
- Boling, K. S. (2019). #ShePersisted, Mitch: A memetic critical discourse analysis on an attempted Instagram feminist revolution. Feminist Media Studies. DOI: 10.1080/14680777.2019.1620821
- Boling, K. S. (2019). True crime podcasting: Journalism, justice, or entertainment? International Radio Journal, 17(2), 161-178. DOI: 10.1386/rjao_00003_1
- Boling, K. S., Hull, K., & Moscowitz, L. M. (In Press). Missing, or just missed? Mediating loss in the Missing Richard Simmons podcast. Accepted for publication at the Journal of Radio and Audio Media. DOI: 10.1080/19376529.2019.1682585
- Choi, C. W. (forthcoming). Cross-cultural comparisons of popular YouTube ads: A content analysis of YouTube video ads in the U.S. and South Korea. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science.
- Choi, M., & McKeever, B.W. (2019). News Framing of Avian Flu: Media advocacy & response to a public health crisis. Newspaper Research Journal.
- Frear, C., O’Boyle, J., & Kim, S.-H. (2019). Regional media framing of the Confederate flag debate in South Carolina. Newspaper Research Journal.
- Hull, K., Choi, M., & Kian, E.M. (2019). Examining the growth of sport communication programs in higher education through a survey of program coordinators. Journalism and Mass Communication Educator. 1077695819835044
- Hull, K., Joon, K., Haun, D., & Stilwell, M. (2019). Slamdunk: An examination of how magazines can create loyal readers. Journal of Magazine Media. (Conditional Acceptance)
- Hull, K., Kim, J. K., & Stilwell, M. (2019). Fotos de Béisbol: An Examination of the Spanish-language Instagram Accounts of Major League Baseball Teams, The Howard Journal of Communications.
- Jang, S. M., McKeever, B., McKeever, R., & Kim, J. K. (2019). From social media to mainstream news: The information flow of the vaccine-autism controversy in the US, Canada, and the UK, Health Communication. doi: 10.1080/10410236.2017.1384433
- Jun J., & Kim, J. K. (accepted for publication). How Do Colleges Communicate About E-cigarettes? The Presentation of Risk, Policy, and Cessation Resources on College Website, Journal of American College Health.
- Kim, J. K., Overton, H., Bhalla, N, & Li, J-Y. (in press). Nike, Colin Kaepernick, and the Politicization of Sports: Examining Perceived Organizational Motives and Public Responses, Public Relations Review.
- Kim, J. K., Pardun, C.J., & Overton, H. K. (2019). Electronic Cigarette Companies’ Twitter Messages: Public Interest (Mis)communication, The Journal of Public Interest Communications, 3(1). DOI: 10.32473/jpic.v3.i1.p66
- Li, J.Y., Kim, J.K., Overton, H.K., Bhalla., N., Moon, W., Choi, M., & Zhang., N. (2019). What Shapes Environmental Responsibility Perceptions? Measuring collectivistic orientations as a predictor of situational motivations and communicative action. International Journal of Strategic Communication 13(3), 1-19.
- Li., J-Y., Tian, S., Carter, J., & Wen, J. (accepted for publication), “More than the bottom line: Exploring social responsibility practices in hospital settings in the United States,” Health Marketing Quarterly, 37(1).
- Moon, B., & Choi, C. W. (2019). Antecedents of information seeking and forwarding in a public health crisis: Focusing on the 2016 Zika-virus outbreak. Asian Journal of Public Relations, 3(1), 33-44.
- Wan, A., Mortensen, T. M., Zhu, Y., & Li, J. Y. (2018). From confrontations to civil liberties: Newspaper photo framing of police brutality and riots in Los Angeles 1992 and Ferguson, Missouri 2014. Newspaper Research Journal, 39(3), 270-286.
- Wan, A., Moscowitz, L. M., & Wu, L. (2019). Online Social Viewing: Cross-Cultural Adoption and Uses of Bullet Screen Videos. Journal of International & Intercultural Communication. DOI: 10.1080/17513057.2019.1610187
- Zhang, N. & Wen, J. (Accepted for publication). Exploring the public perception of depression: Interplay between the attribution of cause and narrative persuasion, Health Communication.
- McKeever, B., Choi, M., Walker, D., & McKeever, R. (2019, August) Gun violence as a public health issue: Where do we go from here in terms of media advocacy? Presented at 2019 AEJMC Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- Walker, D. (2019) #BeLikeBo: PricewaterhouseCoopers Advocacy after Botham Jean Shooting, Presented at AEJMC’s 44thannual Southeast Colloquium 2019, Columbia, SC.
- Choi, C. W. (2019, August 7-10). The Impacts of consumer personality traits on online video ads sharing [Poster presentation]. 2019 Associations for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- Heo, Y. J. (2019, August). Real-world relationships matter: Attachment theory as a framework for explaining loneliness on social media. Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Toronto, Canada.
- Heo, Y. J. & Layer, M. (2019, August). Thinking about real-world friends: Attachment theory as a framework for explaining self-presentation on social media. Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Toronto, Canada.
- Jones, M., Heo, Y. J., McKeever, R., Moscowitz, L. M., & Moscowitz, D. (2019, August). Inferential statistical analysis with Inaccurate self-reports Comparing correlational outcomes with self-reported and logged mobile data. Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Toronto, Canada.
- Jun, J., Kim, J, K, Choi, M., & Heo, Y. J. (2019, August). Cancer Coverage in Korean American Community Newspapers: Source Nationality and Its Relationship with Cancer Prevention and Screening Information. Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Toronto, Canada.
- Alharbi, K. (2019, August). He Said, She Said: The Role of Gender in Influencer Marketing in Saudi Arabia. Paper presented at the 102nd Annual AEJMC Conference (Advertising division: Exploring the Effectiveness of Native Advertising and Influencer Marketing), Toronto, Canada.
- Alharbi, K. (2019, March). CSR in Sports in Saudi Arabia. Paper presented at the 44th annual AEJMC Southeast Colloquium (Open division: Public Relations and Advocacy), Columbia, SC.
- Alharbi, K. (2019, March). The Role of Gender in Influencer Marketing. Paper presented at the 44th annual AEJMC Southeast Colloquium (Open division: Gender and Social Issues in the Media), Columbia, SC.
- Ball, S., Torres-McGehee, T., & Cusaac, K.. (2019, November) Athlete’s Response to Injury. Presented at Athl-Ethics: History, Sport and the Modern Athlete; Glasgow, Scotland.
- Ball, S. (2019, March). Suicide and the Media: The Framing of Ex- NFL player Aaron Hernandez. Presented at the College of Journalism and Communication Research Symposium 2019; Gainesville, Florida
- Birmingham, B.D., (2019). Make Christmas Great Again: “Maybe we should boycott Starbucks. I don’t know.” Presented at the AEJMC Southeast Colloquium, Columbia, SC., March 2019.
- Boling, K. S. (2019, August). Lost in translation: The disturbing decision to limit access to audio court files for podcasters. Presented at the 2019 Association for Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference in Toronto, Canada. Third Place Student Paper, Law & Policy Division
- Boling, K. S., Hull, K., & Moscowitz, L. M. (2019, August). Missing, or just missed? Mediating loss in the Missing Richard Simmons podcast. Presented at the 2019 Association for Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference in Toronto, Canada.
- Boling, K. S. (2019, May). #ShePersisted, Mitch: A memetic critical discourse analysis on an attempted Instagram feminist revolution. Presented at the annual International Communication Association (ICA) conference in Washington, D.C.
- Boling, K. S. (2019, March). A "travesty of fundamental fairness" or a "mass moral reckoning": An analysis of the Op-Ed discourse during the Hill-Thomas and Ford-Kavanaugh hearings. Presented at the annual Association for Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Southeast Colloquium in Columbia, S.C. Top Student Paper, Newspaper & Online News Division
- Boling, K. S., Moscowitz, L. M., & Pardun, C. J. (2019, February). Eating for change: How media use and social justice impact consumer perceptions of ethical labels. Presented at the annual Interdisciplinary Conference at Winthrop University, Rock Hill, S.C.
- Carter, J. & Wen, J. (2019). “Ads for Forever Families: How Public Service Advertising Portrays Adoptive Children and Teenagers.” – Presented at 2019 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) National Conference, August 2019, Toronto, ON.
- Carter, J. & Wen, J. (2019). “Ads for Forever Families: How Public Service Advertising Portrays Adoptive Children and Teenagers.” – Presented at 2019 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Southeast Colloquium, March 2019, Columbia, SC.
- Li., J-Y., Tian, S., Carter, J., & Wen, J. (2019). “More than the bottom line: Exploring social responsibility practices in hospital settings in the United States.” Presented at 2019 International Public Relations Research Conference, Orlando, FL. * Arthur W. Page Center Benchmarking Award Recipient American Academy of Advertising (AAA) Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Choi, C. W. (2019, August 7-10). The Impacts of consumer personality traits on online video ads sharing [Poster presentation]. 2019 Associations for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada
- Ciccarelli, Carl A. (April, 2019). Exploring the Effect of Crisis Type, Integrity, and the Degree of Sustained Benefits presented in Crisis Response Messaging on Consumer Perceptions of Organizational Authenticity and Crisis Responsibility. *Thesis, thesis advisor: Dr. YoungAh Lee. Presented at Ball State University Student Research Symposium (Spring, 2019).
- Frear, C. (2019, March). Creativity in the Face of White Resistance: The Black Press in Columbia, South Carolina, 1962–1977. Media & Civil Rights History Symposium, Columbia, SC.
- Heo, Y. J. (2019, August). Real-world relationships matter: Attachment theory as a framework for explaining loneliness on social media. Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Toronto, Canada.
- Heo, Y. J. & Layer, M. (2019, August). Thinking about real-world friends: Attachment theory as a framework for explaining self-presentation on social media. Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Toronto, Canada.
- Jones, M., Heo, Y. J., McKeever, R., Moscowitz, L. M., & Moscowitz, D. (2019, August). Inferential statistical analysis with Inaccurate self-reports Comparing correlational outcomes with self-reported and logged mobile data. Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Toronto, Canada.
- Jun, J., Kim, J, K, Choi, M., & Heo, Y. J. (2019, August). Cancer Coverage in Korean American Community Newspapers: Source Nationality and Its Relationship with Cancer Prevention and Screening Information. Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Toronto, Canada.
- Mozie, D. (2019, October). “This, Too, Is Segregation”: A Framing Analysis of the 1960 Sit-Ins in Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill, N.C., Through the Eyes of Student Journalists. Paper presented at the 38th Annual American Journalism Historians Association, Dallas, TX.
- Mozie, D. (2019, August). ’Fight the Power’: Themes of Racial Tension in Different Rap Music Eras – A Content Analysis. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Toronto, Canada.
- Mozie, D. (2019, March). “’Don't Patronize the Big Three': The 1960 Sit-Ins Through the Eyes of Student Journalists in North Carolina's Research Triangle Region” (research in progress), Paper presented at the meeting of the Media & Civil Rights History Symposium, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.
- Wertz, Bob. AEJMC Toronto 2019 Aug-19 Presented Crowdsmashing: A content analysis of Brand New’s branding reviews and reader response as part of a paper session on August 8, 2019 at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications conference in Toronto.
- Zain, A., (2019, November). Aging-friendly smartphones: Analysis of smartphones user-interface to assess their usability among elderly citizens. Senex: 3rd Congress of Aging Studies for Graduate Students (Senex ’19). Antalya, Turkey
- Bhalla, N. (2019). Online Meditation, Yoga, and Rising Interest in Eastern Philosophy. In A. E. Grant, A. Sturgill, C. H. Chen, and D. A. Stout (Eds.), Religion Online: How the Internet, Social Networks, and Mobil Devices Are Changing the Way We Worship and Pray (pp. 214-230). Santa Barbara: Praeger.
- Bowen, S. & Bhalla, N. (in press). Ethical Theories and Public Relations: Global Issues and Challenges. In C. Valentini (Ed.), Public Relations. Vol. 27, Handbook of Communication Science series, P. J. Schulz and P. Cobley (Series Eds.). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
- Jun, J., Choi, C. W., & Kim, J. (in press). Bridging tobacco control advocacy and public relation theories: Can strategic social networks be an answer to challenges of new tobacco control advocacy? In C. Botan (Ed.), Strategic Communication Theory and Practice: The Cocreational Model. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Leung, W. C., & Wan, A. (2019). My Little Joy in Life: Posting Food on Instagram. In Impacts of Mobile Use and Experience on Contemporary Society (pp. 70-85). IGI Global.
- McKeever, B.W., & Choi, M. (2019). Healthcare communication. In Kim, C. (Eds.), Public Relations Competencies and Practice.
- Stilwell, M. (accepted for publication). Communication and Contradiction in the NCAA: An Unlevel Playing Field. Chapter 7, Controversy in the NCAA’s Social Media Policies for Student-Athletes: Freedom of Speech?
1. Nandini Bhalla
Inez Kaiser Award, 2018 AEJMC Conference, Public Relations Division.
2. Nandini Bhalla
Second Place Moeller Student Competition Award, 2018 AEJMC Conference, Mass Communication
and Society Division.
3. Nandini Bhalla
Graduate Student Travel Grant, 2018 AEJMC Conference, $800.
4. Nandini Bhalla
Top Student Paper Award,2018 AEJMC, Magazine Division.
5. Nandini Bhalla
Kappa Tau Alpha Certificate and Cash Reward, 2018 AEJMC Conference.
6. Nandini Bhalla
Peter Debreceny Corporate Communication Award, 2018 IPRRC.
7. Nandini Bhalla
SPARC Graduate Research Grant, USC, $4,011.
8. Nandini Bhalla
Page Legacy Scholar Grant, Arthur W. Page Center, $2,377.
9. Kelli Boling
Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching Award, SJMC, USC, $500.
10. Kelli Boling
Third Place Student Paper Award, 2018 AEJMC Conference, History Division.
11. Kelli Boling
Top Paper Award, 2018 AEJMC Southeast Colloquium, Law division.
12. Minhee Choi
Susanne A. Roschwalb Grant for International Study and Research, $1,000.
13. Khadija Ejaz
Kappa Tau Alpha, Albert T. Scroggins Chapter, USC.
14. Joon Kim
Bryce Rucker Research Award, SJMC, USC, $500.
15. Joon Kim
2019 Breakthrough Graduate Scholar Award, Uof SC.
16. Matt Stilwell
Finalist, Journal Article of the Year for the Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate
17. Denetra Walker
SREB Doctoral Fellowship: State Scholar. Southern Regional Education Board.
18. Denetra Walker
Grace Jordan McFadden Doctoral Scholar, USC.
19. Nanlan Zhang
Top Paper Award, 2018 AEJMC Conference, ComSHER Division.
20. Nanlan Zhang and Joon Kim
Top Student Paper Award, 2018 ICA Conference, Public Relations Division.
1. Bhalla, N. & Moscowitz, D. (in press). Yoga and the Female Objectification: Commodity and Exclusionary Identity in U.S. Women’s Magazines. Journal of Communication Inquiry.
2. Bhalla, N., & Moscowitz, L. (in press). Yoga for Every (body)? A Critical Analysis of the Evolution of Yoga Representation across Four Decades in Yoga Journal. The Journal of Magazine Media.
3. Bhalla, N., O’Boyle, J., & Haun, D. (in press). Who is responsible for causing and fixing the problem of Delhi Air Pollution in Indian Newspapers? International Journal of Communication.
4. Choi, M., Overton, H. K., & McKeever, R. (2018). When Organizational Advocacy and Public Advocacy Intersect in CSR: Examining stage of partnership and activism in CSR partnerships. Journal of Public Interest Communications, 2(2), 264-288.
5. Frear, C., O’Boyle, J., & Kim, S.H. (in press). Regional media framing of the Confederate flag debate in South Carolina. Newspaper Research Journal.
6. Hull, K., Kim, J. K., & Stilwell, M. (2018). Fotos de Béisbol: An Examination of the Spanish language Instagram Accounts of Major League Baseball Teams, The Howard Journal of Communications. Link
7. Jang, M., Geng, T., Li, J-Y., Xia, R., Huang, C., Kim, H., & Tang, J. (2018). A computational approach for examining the roots and spreading patterns of fake news: Evolution tree analysis. Computers in Human Behaviors, 84,103-113.
8. Jang, S. M., & Kim, J. K. (2018). Third person effects of fake news: Implications for fake news regulation and media literacy interventions, Computers in Human Behavior, 80, 295-302.
9. Kim, H., Jang, S. M., Kim, S. H., & Wan, A. (2018). Evaluating Sampling Methods for Content Analysis of Twitter Data. Social Media+ Society, 4(2), 2056305118772836.
10. Kim, J. K., Overton, H. K., Hull, K., & Choi, M. (2018). Examining public perceptions of CSR in sport. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 23(4), 629-647.
11. Mortensen, T. M., McDermott, B. P., Ejaz, K., & Haun, D. D. (2018). Closing the Gap Between Photojournalist Research and Photojournalism Practice: Exploring the Motivations of the Subjects of Sensitive Photo Essays. Journalism Practice, 1-16.
12. Moscowitz, L. M., Billings, A. C., Ejaz, K. & O’Boyle, J. (in press). Outside the Sports Closet: News Discourses of Professional Gay Male Athletes in the Mainstream. Accepted for publication by Journal of Communication Inquiry.
13. Wan, A., Mortensen, T.M., Zhu, Y., & Li, J-Y. (2018). Newspapers’ shift focus from ‘confrontations’ to ‘civil liberties’ in visual storytelling: Los Angeles 1992 and Ferguson, Mo., 2014. Newspaper Research Journal.
1. Alharbi, K. (2018, October). Will advertising drive people to subscribe to online streaming services? Paper presented at the Third International Conference on Communication and Media studies (Media Business Group), Berkeley, CA.
2. Bhalla, N. (2018). Effects of Self-Construal and Environmental Consciousness on Green Corporate Social Responsibility Perceptions. Paper presented at AEJMC Annual Conference (Mass Communication and Society Division), Washington, D.C.
3. Bhalla, N. (2018). Green Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Communication and Culture: A comparison between U.S. and India. Paper presented at the annual International Public Relations Research Conference (IPRRC), Orlando, FL.
4. Bhalla, N., and Moscowitz, D. (2018). Objectified Yoga: Commodity, Identity, and Embodiment in US Women’s Magazines. Paper presented at AEJMC Annual Conference (Cultural and Critical Studies Division), Washington, D.C.
5. Bhalla, N., Haun, D.D. (2018, May). Oops! I did it again: Who is responsible for causing and fixing the problem of Delhi Air Pollution in Indian Newspapers. Paper presented at the 68th International Communication Association (ICA) Annual Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.
6. Bhalla, N., Moscowitz, L. and O'Boyle, J. (2018). Selling yoga 'off the mat': A 10-year analysis of lifestyle advertorials in Yoga Journal Magazine. Paper presented at AEJMC Annual Conference (Magazine Division), Washington, D.C.
7. Birmingham, B.D. (2018). Diffusion of Innovations Theory and the Diffusion of News. Accepted and Presented at the Online News Division of the AEJMC Southeast Colloquium, Tuscaloosa, March 2018.
8. Boling, K. S. (2018, August). “We matter”: The launching of a counter-narrative Black public affairs program in Columbia, S.C. Paper presented at the annual Association for Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference in Washington, D.C.
9. Boling, K. S. (2018, August). Enjoying crime: Examining disposition theory in the true crime podcast audience. Paper presented at the annual Association for Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference in Washington, D.C.
10. Boling, K. S. (2018, March). “The bad guys”: Examining consumer perceptions and media myths about registered sex offenders. Paper presented at the annual Association for Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Southeast Colloquium conference in Tuscaloosa, AL.
11. Boling, K. S. (2018, March). Lost in translation: The disturbing decision to limit access to audio court files for podcasters. Paper presented at the annual Association for Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Southeast Colloquium conference in Tuscaloosa, AL.
12. Choi, M., Kian, E.M., & Hull, K. (2018, Aug). Examining the growth of sport communication programs in higher education through a survey of program coordinators. The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 2018 National Conference (Sports Communication Interest Group)
13. Choi, M., Kim, S.Y. (2018, Aug). Strategic Value of Conflict, Activism, and Two-way Communication: An examination of activists’ public relations. The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 2018 National Conference (Public Relations Division). Conference, Washington, DC.
14. Ejaz, K. & Moscowitz, L. M. (2018, August). Who “Framed” Ramchandra Siras?: News Discourses of a Controversial Outing Case in India. Poster presentation to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (AEJMC) Conference, Washington, DC, USA.
15. Ejaz, K. (2018, August). “For India is to be Redeemed!”: Reflections of an American Missionary in British India. Paper presentation to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (AEJMC) Conference, Washington, DC, USA.
16. Haun, D.D. (2018, April). Like, Share, Follow: Measuring Brand Engagement Through Purposive Behaviors On Instagram. Paper presented at Discover USC Colloquium, Columbia, SC. WINNER: First Place Poster Session.
17. Haun, D.D. (2018, August). No Country for Selfies: Privacy Concerns on Facebook and Instagram. Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 2018 National Conference, Washington, D.C.
18. Haun, D.D. (2018, March). Brands are People Too: Impression Management on Instagram. Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Southeast Colloquium, Tuscaloosa, AL.
19. Haun, D.D. (2018, March). Clickwrap Agreements and the Psychology of Assent. Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Southeast Colloquium, Tuscaloosa, AL.
20. Haun, D.D. (2018, March). Let’s Face It: Building Brand Engagement on Instagram through Faces. Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Southeast Colloquium, Tuscaloosa, AL.
21. Hull, K., Kim, J. K., Haun, D.D., & Stilwell, M. (2018, August). Slam Dunk: An Examination of How Magazines Can Create Loyal Readers. Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 2018 National Conference, Washington, D.C.
22. Kim, J.K., Overton, H.K., Hull, K. & Choi, M. (2018, Aug). Examining Public Perceptions of CSR in Sport: The role of attributions, fit, and information source. The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 2018 National Conference (Sports Communication Interest Group.
23. Kliennman, C., Trowbridge, K., & Stilwell, M. (April 9, 2018). More than Just Music: Sports
24. Musings in the Music City . Panel at 88th Annual Southern States Communication Association Convention. Nashville, Tennessee.
25. Lee, S, M., Labrant, V., Kim, J. K., & Trasher, J.F., (2018, September). Content Analysis of Tweets Surrounding the Philip Morris Iqos FDA Panel Hearing. Paper presented at 12th Annual National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing and Media, Atlanta, GA.
26. Li, J.-Y., Kim, J. K., Overton, H., Bhalla, N., Moon, W., Choi, M., and Zhang, N. (2018). What Shapes Environmental Responsibility Perceptions? Measuring Collectivistic Orientations as a Predictor of Situational Motivations and Communicative Action. Paper presented at AEJMC Annual Conference (Public Relations Division), Washington, D.C.
27. Li, Jo-Yun; Tian, Shiyun; Carter, Jackson; Wen, Jing. (2019). “More than the bottom line: Exploring social responsibility practices in hospital settings in the United States,” accepted for presentation at the 2019 International Public Relations Research Conference (IPRRC), March 2019, Orlando, Florida.
28. Li, J-Y., Kim, J. K., Overton, H., Bhalla, N., Moon, W.-K., Choi, M., & Zhang, N. (2018, August). What Shapes Environmental Responsibility Perceptions? Measuring Collectivistic Orientations as a Predictor of Situational Motivations and Communicative Action. Paper presented at AEJMC 2018 National Conference, Washington, DC.
29. Li., J-Y. (2018, August). Breaking the silence: Extending theory to address the underutilization of mental health services among Chinese immigrants in the United States. Paper presented at 2018 AEJMC Annual Conference, Washington DC. (ComSHER Division).
30. McKeever, R., Kim, J. K., Li, J-Y., & Wen, J., (2018, August). Third-person Effects of Conflicting Information about Childhood Vaccinations: Role of Health Locus of Control and Issue Importance in Predicting Individuals’ Support for Immunization Requirements. Paper presented at AEJMC 2018 National Conference, Washington, DC.
31. McKeever, R., Kim, J. K., Rathbun-Grubb, S. R., & Tatge, M., (2018, August). It’s not “Fake” it’s “Alternative”: Experimentally Parsing the Effects of Fake News. Paper presented at AEJMC 2018 National Conference, Washington, DC.
32. McKeever, R., Kim, JK., Li, J-Y., & Wen, J. (2018, August). Exploring the Roles of Health Locus of Control, Issue Importance, and Third-Person Perceptions on Parental Support for Immunization Requirements. Paper presented at 2018 AEJMC Annual Conference, Washington DC. (ComSHER Division).
33. Noland, C., Li, J. Y., & Wen, T. J. (2018, August). Healthful living and the companies that pay for it: A qualitative exploration of health native advertising on BuzzFeed and the Huffington Post. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference. Washington, D.C.
34. Song, B., Wen, J., & Zhang, N. (2018, May). Mixed emotions in non-profit communications: An experiment of blood donation message. Paper presented at the 68th ICA Conference. Prague, Czech Republic.
35. Stilwell, M, Haun, D., & Hull, K. (April 2018). A Case Study of NCAA vs. Student Athletes’ Social Media Rights: An analysis of the Donald De La Haye Case. Poster presented at 2018 College Sport Research Institute Conference, Columbia, SC.
36. Stilwell, M., Haun, D., & Hull, K. (April 2018). March to the Madness: A Comparative Analysis of Men’s and Women’s College Basketball Instagram Photos. Poster presented at 2018 College Sport Research Institute Conference, Columbia, SC.
37. Stilwell, M.A., & Birmingham, B.D. (2018). The NCAA and Crisis Communication: Examining Controversial Issues in Collegiate Sports. Accepted for a poster session in the Graduate Student Interest Group of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (AEJMC) Washington, August 2018.
38. Wu, L., Zhang, N., Bhalla, N., & Wan, A. (2018, August). How does customization influence conspicuous consumption among socially excluded versus included consumers? Paper presented at 2018 AEJMC Annual Conference (Communication Technology Division), Washington, D.C.
39. Wu, L., Zhang, N., Noland, C., & Wan, A. (2018, March). Understanding the Influence of Customization on Brand Evaluation among Consumers with Different Levels of Uncertainty and Uncertainty Avoidance. Paper presented at the 2018 Annual Conference of the American Academy of Advertising, New York, NY.
40. Zhang, N. & Wen, J. (2018, August). Exploring public perception of depression: The interplay between attribution of cause and narrative persuasion. Paper presented at 2018 AEJMC Annual Conference (Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk Division), Washington, D.C. (Top Faculty Paper Award)
41. Zhang, N., Zhu, Y., & Kim, J.K. (2018, May). The network of territorial dispute discussion as twitter diplomacy: Four models of public relations and human-robot accounts’ interaction. Paper presented at the 68th ICA Conference. Prague, Czech Republic. (Top Student Paper Award in Public Relations Division)
1. Bhalla, N. (2018, in press). Online Meditation, Yoga, and Rising Interest in Eastern Philosophy. In A. E. Grant, A. Sturgill, C. H. Chen, and D. A. Stout (Eds.), Religion Online: How the Internet, Social Networks, and Mobil Devices Are Changing the Way We Worship and Pray. Santa Barbara: Praeger. Bowen, A. S. & Li, J-Y. (2018). Communication ethics for risk, crises, and public health contexts. In H. D. O’Hair (Eds.) Risk and Health Communication in an Evolving Media Environment. Rutledge.
2. Bowen, S. & Bhalla, N. (2018, in press). Ethical Theories and Public Relations: Global Issues and Challenges. In C. Valentini (Ed.), Public Relations. Vol. 27, Handbook of Communication Science series, P. J. Schulz and P. Cobley (Series Eds.). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
3. Ejaz, K. (2019, February). Muslims in the Digital Age. In Denominations and the Internet: How Religions are Embracing Virtual Media, Social Networks, and Mobile Devices. Santa Barbara: Praeger.
4. McKeever, B.W., & Choi, M. (forthcoming). Healthcare communication. In Kim, C. (Eds.), Public Relations Competencies and Practice.
5. Stilwell, M. (in press). Communication and Contradiction in the NCAA: An Unlevel Playing Field. (Accepted 2018) Chapter 7, Controversy in the NCAA’s Social Media Policies for Student-Athletes: Freedom of Speech?
1. Jo Yun Li. Breakthrough Graduate Scholar Award. University of South Carolina
2. Jo-Yun Li. Junior Scholar. SC SmartState Center for Healthcare Quality (CHQ), Department of Health Promotion, Education, & Behavior Arnold School of Public Health. University of South Carolina
3. Kevin Hull, Joon Kim, & Matt Stilwell. Third Place Faculty Paper Winner: Minorities and Communication Division. The 100th AEJMC Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
4. Nandini Bhalla. Support to Promote Advancement of Research and Creativity (SPARC) Graduate Research Grant. University of South Carolina
5. Jane Weatherred. Support to Promote Advancement of Research and Creativity (SPARC) Graduate Research Grant. University of South Carolina
6. Khdija Ejaz. Diversity Committee Research Award (2017). Broadcast Education Association (BEA) Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
7. Khadija Ejaz. Top Research Paper (2017). Broadcast Education Association (BEA) Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
8. Daniel Haun. Richard T. Laughridge Endowed Graduate Scholarship
9. Khalid Alharbi. Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission Scholarship
10. Anan Wan. Excellence in Teaching Award. School of Journalism and Mass Communications, University of South Carolina
11. Joon Kim. Co-Principal Investigator ($5,000) With Dr. Robert McKeever, PI and Dr. Susan Rathbun-Grubb, Co-PI. Experimentally Parsing the Effects of Fake News, The University of South Carolina
12. Wonki Moon, & Joon Kim. Top Research Paper Award. Mass Communication and Society Moeller Student Paper Competition. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Chicago, IL. August 2017
13. Bhalla, N. & Moscowitz, L. (2017). Top Faculty Paper Panel. Magazine Division. AEJMC Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
14. Walker, D., & Boling, K. (2017). 2nd Place Student Paper Award, Minorities and Communication Division, 2017 AEJMC Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
15. Weatherred, J. L. (2017). 3rd Place Student Paper Award, History Division, 2017 AEJMC Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
1. Bowen, A. S. & Li, J-Y. (forthcoming). Communication ethics for risk, crises, and public health contexts. In H. D. O’Hair (Eds.) Risk and Health Communication in an Evolving Media Environment. Rutledge.
2. Ejaz, K. (Forthcoming). Muslims in the Digital Age. In Denominations and the Internet: How Religions are Embracing Virtual Media, Social Networks, and Mobile Devices. Santa Barabara: Praeger.
3. Hull, K., & Boling, K. S. (in press). “I was very intoxicated”: An examination of the Image-Repair Discourse of Ryan Lochte following the 2016 Olympics. In D. Burns & T. Rentner (Eds.), You make the call: Case studies in sport communication.
4. McKeever, B.W., & Choi, M. (accepted for publication). Healthcare communication. In Kim, C. (Eds.), Public Relations Competencies and Practice.
1. Boling, K. S., & Hull, K. (in press). Undisclosed information - Serial is My Favorite Murder: Examining motivations in the true crime podcast audience. Journal of Radio and Audio Media.
2. Ejaz, K. (2017). Good Manners and High Heels: Newspaper Coverage of South Carolina’s First Female Governor. Accepted for publication by Journal of Gender Studies.
3. Hull, K., Lee, J., Zapalac, R., & Stilwell, M. (2017). H-Town Takeover: Social Media Agenda Setting and Branding Efforts at the University of Houston. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics.
4. Jang, S. M., Mckeever, B. W., Mckeever, R., & Kim, J. K. (2017). From social media to mainstream news: The information flow of the vaccine-autism controversy in the US, Canada, and the UK. Health Communication, 1-8.
5. Kim, J. K., & Hull, K. (2017). How fans are engaging with baseball teams demonstrating multiple objectives on Instagram. Sport, Business, Management: An International Journal, 7(2), 216-232. doi:10.1108/SBM-01-2017-0002
6. Kim, J. K., Ott, H. K., Hull, K., & Choi, M. (2017). Double Play! Examining the Relationship Between MLB’s Corporate Social Responsibility and Sport Spectators’ Behavioral Intentions. International Journal of Sport Communication, 10(4), 508-530.
7. Kim, S.-H., Thrasher, J. F., Kang, M.-H., Cho, Y.-J., Kim, J. K. (2017). News Media Presentations of Electronic Cigarettes: A Content Analysis of News Coverage in South Korea. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 94, 443–464.
8. Li, J-Y., & Wen, J. (2017). Motivations behind donations for health-related organizations: Threat appraisal and coping appraisal, the case of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Health Marketing Quarterly. 34(3), 217-231.
9. Li, J-Y., Kim, S-H., & O’Boyle, J. (2017). “I believe what I see:” College students’ use of media, issue engagement, and perceived responsibility regarding campus sexual assault. Journal of Health Communication, 9(22), 772-782.
10. Li, J-Y., Qiao, S., Harrison, S., & Li, X. (2017). Utilizing an interpersonal communication framework to understand information behaviors involved in HIV disclosure. International Journal of Information Management, 37(4), 250-256.
11. Mortensen, T. M., Hull, K., & Boling, K. S. (2017). Really social disaster: An examination of photo sharing on Twitter during the #SCFlood. Visual Communication Quarterly, 24(4), 219-229.
12. Mortensen, T. M., Moscowitz, L. M., Wan, A, & Yang, A. (Accepted for publication). The marijuana user in US news media: An examination of visual stereotypes of race, culture, criminality and normification. Visual Communication.
13. Mortensen, T. M., Yang, A., & Wan, A. (Forthcoming). Now that the smoke has cleared: Examining visual stereotypes of marijuana users before and after legalization in Colorado. Visual Studies.
14. Wan, A., Mortensen, T.M., Zhu, Y., & Li, J-Y. (Accepted for publication). Newspapers’ shift focus from ‘confrontations’ to ‘civil liberties’ in visual storytelling: Los Angeles 1992 and Ferguson, Mo., 2014. Newspaper Research Journal.
15. Weatherred, J. L. (2017). Framing child sexual abuse: A longitudinal content analysis of newspaper and television coverage, 2002–2012, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 26(1), 3-22.
16. Weatherred, J. L. (2018). Louis Decimus Rubin, Jr.: A history of Algonquin Books from personal correspondence. Revise and resubmit decision received 1/16/2018 from The Southeastern Review of Journalism History (formerly The Atlanta Review of Journalism History) with anticipated publication for Fall Issue 2018.
17. Wu, L., & Stilwell, M. (2017). Exploring the Marketing Potential of Location-Based Mobile Games: A Conceptual Model of Gamers’ Responses to Sponsors in Pokémon Go. Journal of Interactive Marketing.
18. Zhu, Y., Wang, L. (2017). “Media Portrayal of Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment in Latin American Newspapers” International Communication Gazette, 1748048517747493.
1. Bhalla, N. (2017, August). Yoga in Media! Using Theory of Planned Behavior to Examine Media Influences on Intention to Practice Yoga. Paper presented at 100th Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual conference, Chicago, IL.
2. Bhalla, N. (2017, March). Veterans’ suicide and ethical response: Examination of the VA’s Twitter feed. Paper presented at the 20th Annual International Public Relations Research Conference, Orlando, FL.
3. Bhalla, N. (2017, May). Indian Media and Fake News. Paper presented at the pre-conference International Communication Association’s 67th Annual Conference, San Diego, California, USA.
4. Bhalla, N. (2017, October). #Note7 crisis: A critical analysis of Samsung's image repair discourse and publics' discussions on the Twitter. Paper presented at 2017 PRSA Educators Academy Super Saturday conference. Boston, MA.
5. Bhalla, N. (2018, March). Green Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Communication and Culture: A comparison between U.S. and India. Paper Accepted for presentation at the 21st Annual International Public Relations Research Conference, Orlando, FL.
6. Bhalla, N., & Haun, D. (2018, May). Oops! I did it again: Who is responsible for causing and fixing the problem of Delhi Air Pollution in Indian Newspapers. Paper accepted for presentation at 68th Annual ICA conference, Prague, Czech Republic.
7. Bhalla, N., & Moscowitz, L. (2017). Yoga for Every (body)? A Critical Analysis of the Evolution of Yoga Representation across Four Decades in Yoga Journal. Paper accepted for presentation at 100th AEJMC annual conference, Chicago, IL. (Magazine. Div.)
8. Bhalla, Nandini, Haun, Daniel D. (2017, August). Blame It on Me! News Framing of Delhi Air Pollution in Indian Newspapers. Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 2017 National Conference (South Asia Research Microtalks), Chicago, IL.
9. Birmingham, B.D., (March, 2018). Diffusion of Innovations Theory and the Diffusion of News. Accepted for Presentation at the AEJMC Southeast Colloquium, Tuscaloosa, AL.
10. Boling, K. S. (2017, April). True crime podcasting: Journalism, justice, or entertainment? Paper presented at the Annual Conference for the Broadcast Education Association (BEA) in Las Vegas, NV.
11. Boling, K. S. (2017, April). Understanding the true crime podcast audience: An exploration of uses and gratifications. Paper presented at the annual Discover USC conference in Columbia, SC.
12. Boling, K. S. (2017, August). Undisclosed information – Serial is My Favorite Murder: Examining motivations in the true crime podcast audience. Paper presented at the annual Association for Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference in Chicago, IL.
13. Brantley, B., Smith, L.R., & Stilwell, M. (April 9, 2017). Speaking out by kneeling down: Professional athletes and political protests. Panel at 87th Annual Southern States Communication Association Convention. Greenville, South Carolina.
14. Choi, M. & Zhang, N. (2017, August). How U.S. newspapers frame animal rights issue: A content analysis of news coverage in U.S. Paper presented at 2017 AEJMC Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. (Mass Communication & Society Division)
15. Choi, M. (2017, Aug). How activism and ethics intersect in public relations. Presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 2017 National Conference (Graduate Student Division), Chicago, IL.
16. Ejaz, K, Kim, J. K., Bhalla, N., & Weatherred, J. (August, 2017). In Contempt of Court?: Unintended Consequences of Watching Courtroom Shows. Poster presentation to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (AEJMC) Conference, Chicago, IL, USA.
17. Ejaz, K. (May, 2017). By Any Other Name: Portrayals of Autism Across International Film Remakes. Paper presentation to the Health Communication Division of the International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, San Diego, California, USA.
18. Haun, Daniel D. (2018, March). Brands are People Too: Impression Management on Instagram. Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Southeast Colloquium, Tuscaloosa, AL.
19. Hull, K., Joon, K., & Stilwell, M. (August 2017). Fotos de beisbol: An Examination of the Spanish-language Instagram Accounts of Major League Baseball Teams. Paper accepted for presentation at AEJMC 2017 Conference, Chicago, Illinois. (Minorities and Communication Division).
20. Jang, S. M., & Kim, J.K., (2017, November). Third person effects of fake news: Implications for fake news regulation and media literacy interventions. Paper presented at the National Communication Association, Dallas, TX.
21. Jang, S. M., McKeever, B., McKeever, R., & Kim, J.K. (2017, August). Do social media amplify the vaccine-autism myth? Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Chicago, IL.
22. Kim, J. K., Ott, H., Hull, K., & Choi, M. (2017, May). Double Play!: Examining the relationship between MLB’s Corporate Social Responsibility and sport spectators’ behavioral intentions. Paper presented at the 67th International Communication Association (ICA) Annual Conference, San Diego California.
23. Kim, J.K., McKeever, R., & Cho, Y.J. (2017). Impact of Exposure to Fruit-Flavored Electronic Cigarette Advertisements on Craving for Electronic Cigarettes: Evidence from an Online Experiment. Paper accepted for presentation at 2017 AEJMC Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. (Communicating Science, Health, Environment & Risk Division)
24. Kim, J.K., Pardun, C.J., & Ott, H.K. (2017). To Vape or Not to Vape: How E-Cigarette Companies Advertise Via Twitter. Paper accepted for presentation at 2017 AEJMC Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. (Advertising Division)
25. Kim, S.-H., Thrasher, J. F., Kang, M.-H., Cho, Y.-J., Kim, J. K. (2017, August). News Media Presentations of Electronic Cigarettes: A Content Analysis of News Coverage in South Korea. Paper presented at the annual conference of the AEJMC, Chicago, IL
26. Li, J.-Y. (2017, August). “Breaking the silence”: Segmenting Asian Americans in the United States to address mental health problems in the community. Paper accepted for presentation at 2017 AEJMC Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. (PR Division).
27. Li, J.-Y. (2017, August). Different race, different thinking: Communicating HPV issues with college-aged women across race and ethnicity. Paper accepted for presentation at 2017 AEJMC Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. (Minorities and Communication Division).
28. Li, J.-Y., Kim, S.-H., Friedman, D., Tanner, A., Foster, C., & Bergeron, C. (2017, August).Talking about clinical trials: News framing of clinical trial stories in the United States. Paper accepted for presentation at 2017 AEJMC Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. (ComSHER Division).
29. Li, J-Y., Qiao, S., Harrison, S., & Li, X. (2017, November). Changing minds through communications: Utilization of theory to enhance village doctors’ willingness to treat people living with HIV/AIDS in rural China. Paper accepted for presentation at 2017 APHA annual conference, Atlanta, GA.
30. Moon, W-K & Kim, J.K. (2017). Who is responsible for low-fertility in South Korea? Paper accepted for presentation at 2017 AEJMC Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. (Mass Communication and Society Division)
31. Mortensen, Tara, McDermott, Brian, Haun, Daniel D. (2017, August). Closing the Gap Between Photojournalist Research and Photojournalism Practice: Exploring the Motivations of the Subjects of Sensitive Photo Essays. Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 2017 National Conference, Chicago, IL.
32. Moscowitz, L. M., Billings, A. C., Ejaz, K. & O’Boyle, J. (April, 2017). The Final Hurdle in Team Sports?: Framing Jason Collins’s and Michael Sam’s Coming Out Stories in Broadcast and Online News. Paper presentation to the Sports Division of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
33. Nanlan, Z., Zhu, Y., Joon, K. (2018) “The Network of Territorial Dispute Discussion as Twitter Diplomacy: Four Models of Public Relations and Human-Robot Accounts’ Interaction” 68th ICA Conference. Prague, Czech Republic, 2018 (Public Relations Division)
34. Robinson, E., Zhu, Y. (2017). “Beyond “I Agree:” Users' Understanding of Web Site Terms of Service” Paper accepted for presentation at 2017 AEJMC Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. (Media Law Division)
35. Stilwell, M. (August 2017). The UNC Academic Scandal: A Framing Analysis of Local Media Coverage. Paper accepted for prevention at AEJMC 2017 Conference, Chicago, Illinois. (Graduate Student Division).
36. Stilwell, M., & Hull, K. (April 2017). Your home for football (and not much else): How the SEC Network and Big 10 Network use Instagram to promote sports. Poster presented at 2017 College Sport Research Institute Conference, Columbia, South Carolina.
37. Walker, D., & Boling, K. (2017). Hands Up, Don’t Shoot: Media Portrayals of Race and Responsibility Framing in Police Shootings. Paper accepted for presentation at 2017 AEJMC Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. (Minorities and Communication Division)
38. Wan, A. & Leung, W. C. (2017, May). Food photos on-the-go: Gratifications sought from posting food on Instagram. Paper presented at the 2017 Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
39. Wan, A. & Wu, L. (2017). A Conceptual Model of Watching Social Live Streaming in China: Who Are the Users and How About Their Psychological Well-Being? Paper accepted for presentation at 2017 AEJMC Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. (International Communication Division)
40. Wan, A. & Wu, L. (2017, May). Who Enjoys Bullet Screen Videos? The Multitasking Generation with Social Desire. Paper presented at the 2017 Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
41. Weatherred, J. L. (2017). Louis Decimus Rubin, Jr.: A history of Algonquin Books from personal correspondence. Submitted to the History Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (AEJMC), April 1, 2017---Accepted for presentation in Chicago, August 9 – 12, 2017.
42. Weatherred, J. L., & Moscowitz, L. (2017). Exemplification of child abduction in U.S. news media: Testing media effects on parental perceptions and assessment of risk. Submitted to the Mass Communication Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (AEJMC), April 1, 2017---Accepted for presentation in Chicago, August 9 – 12, 2017.
43. Weatherred, J. L., Odo, N., Arthur, M. E. (2018). Parental support as a mediator of depression symptomology among adults who reported child sexual abuse in a national longitudinal survey. In preparation for submission to JAMA Psychiatry. The two collaborating authors are respectively 2) Nadine Odo, BA, ELS; Research Associate, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta University 3) Mary E. Arthur, MD, FASE; Associate Professor, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta University.
44. Weatherred, J. L., Wan, A., & Zhu, Y. (2017, August). The 2016 U. S. Presidential Public Opinion Polls: Third-Person Effects and Voter Intentions for Restrictive Behaviors. Paper presented at the 2017 Annual Conference of the Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago, IL.
45. Wu, L., & Stilwell, M. (August 2017). Exploring the Business Potential of Location-Based Mobile Games: Taking Pokémon Go as an Example. Paper accepted for presentation at AEJMC 2017 Conference, Chicago, Illinois. (Entertainment Studies Division).
46. Wu, L., Zhang, N., Noland, C., & Wan, A. (2017, December 13). Understanding the influence of customization on brand evaluation among consumers with different levels of uncertainty and uncertainty avoidance. Paper accepted for presentation at the American Academy of Advertising 2018 Annual Conference, New York, NY.
47. Zhang, N. (2017, August). Culture, media, and depression: A focus group study in understanding international students’ mental health literacy. Paper accepted for the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 2017 conference, Chicago, IL.
48. Zhang, N. (2017, May). Public perceptions of genetically modified food on social media: A content analysis of YouTube comments on videos. Paper presented at the International Communication Association (ICA) 67th annual conference, San Diego, CA. (Health Communication Division)
49. Zhu, Y. (2017). “Approaching “the Publics” in International Problems: Testing the Applicability of Situational Theory of Problem Solving in Public Diplomacy” IPRRC, Orlando, FL. March 8-12 2017
50. Zhu, Y. (2018) “Drawing Boundaries Between Actors of Public Diplomacy: A Structuralist-Functionalist Approach to Theoretical Models” 68th ICA Conference. Prague, Czech Republic, 2018 (Public Diplomacy Division)
51. Zhu, Y., Grant, A. Wilkinson, J. Kim, J. Guerrazzi, D. (2017). “Multiple methods for multiple nations: Methodological considerations in multinational data collection” BEA Super-Regional Conference, Point Park University, Pittsburgh, PA. Sep 21-23, 2017
52. Zhu, Y., Wei, R., Golan, G. (2017). “Negative Emotions to Western Media and Reception of Mediated Public Diplomacy” Paper accepted for presentation at 2017 AEJMC Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. (International Comm Division)
53. Zhu, Y., Wei, R., Golan, G. (2017). “Negative Emotions to Western Media and Reception of Mediated Public Diplomacy” AEJMC, Chicago, IL. Aug 9-12, 2017
Jo-Yun Li
Junior Scholar (May 2016 – April 2017)
SC SmartState Center for Healthcare Quality (CHQ)
Department of Health Promotion, Education, & Behavior
Arnold School of Public Health; University of South Carolina -
2016 Breakthrough Graduate Scholar Award Recipient
The Office of the Vice President for Research, University of South Carolina -
Top Award for Research Oral Presentation (April 2016)
Graduate Student Day, University of South Carolina
Khadija Ejaz, Nandini Bhalla and Jane Weatherred
Top paper award
Broadcast Education Association’s Fall Super-Regional Conference, Columbia, South Carolina, USA.
Hwalbin Kim
Top Paper Award (2016, May).
The Biannual Conference of the Korea Health Communication Association, Osong, Chungbuk, South Korea.
Jane O’Boyle
SJMC Bryce Rucker Award for Excellence in Graduate Research
Joon Kyung Kim
Top Student Paper
Broadcasting Education Association (BEA) Super-Regional Conference, Columbia, SC, October 2016
Hwalbin Kim and Joon Kyung Kim
Second Place Student Paper Award (2016, August). Visual Communication Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) National Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Yicheng Zhu
Co-Investigator, Special Research Grant for the research project: “Defining News: A Sixteen-Nation Perspective” ($1,500), awarded by Mary Caldwell International Activities Committee at the University of South Carolina, September 2016.
Nandini Bhalla
Top abstract award
Visual communication division, 2016 AEJMC Midwinter Conference
Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma
Bowen, S. A., Moon, W.-K., & Kim, J. K. (accepted for publication). Ethics in Financial Communication and Investor Relations: Stakeholder Expectations, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Principle-Based Analyses. In A. V. Laskin (ed.). Handbook of Financial Communication and Investor Relations. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
O’Boyle, J. (2016). A Kiss, and All Was Said (p. 80-83); Let Joy Be Unconfined (p. 83-85); The Sweet Smell of Power (p. 106-108); The Saddest Song (p. 161-164). In K. Kenney. Philosophy for Multisensory Communication and Media. New York: Peter Lang.
Ranta, J. (2016) The U of SC Way. in D. Swanson, Real world career preparation: A guide to creating a university student-run communications agency. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing.
Ranta, J. (2016) PRSSA Affiliation. in D. Swanson, Real world career preparation: A guide to creating a university student-run communications agency. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing.
Somani, I., & O’Boyle, J. (in press). TV news in India: Journalists in transition. In Freedman, E., Goodman, R., & Steyn, E. (Eds.), Critical Perspectives on Journalistic Beliefs and Actions: Global Experiences. New York: Routledge.
Wei, R., & O’Boyle, J. (2016). Mobile media as a political institution in Asia: Preliminary evidence from empirical research 2000-2015. In R. Wei (Ed.), Mobile media, political participation, and civic activism in Asia: Private chat to public communication. Singapore: Springer.
Zhu, Y., Brown, D. (2016). A History of Communication Technology. In Grant, A. E., & Meadows, J. H. (Eds.). (2016). Communication technology update and fundamentals (pp. 9 - 24). Taylor & Francis.
Hull, K., & Kim, J. K. (2016). How Major League Baseball teams are demonstrating corporate social responsibility on Instagram. The Sport Journal.
Kim, H. (2016). Who likes, comments, and shares on Facebook? A comparative study of Facebook use and engagement between U.S. and South Korean college students. Asian Journal of Information & Communications, 8(1), 69-83.
Kim, H., Kim, S.-H., Frear, C., & Oh, S-H. (2016). News photos of scientists skew race but not gender. Newspaper Research Journal, 37(3), 261-274.
Kim, S.-H., Thrasher, J. F., Kang, M.-H., Cho, Y.-J., Kim, J. K. (accepted for publication). News Media Presentations of Electronic Cigarettes: A Content Analysis of News Coverage in South Korea. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly.
Lee, M., Kim, H., & Kim, O. (in press). Why do people retweet a tweet? Altruistic, egoistic, and reciprocity motivations for retweeting. Psychologia.
Li, J-Y., & Wen, J. (Forthcoming). Motivations behind donations for health-related organizations: Threat appraisal and coping appraisal, the case of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Health Marketing Quarterly.
Li, J-Y., Qiao, S., Harrison, S., & Li, X. (Forthcoming). Utilizing an interpersonal communication framework to understand information behaviors involved in HIV disclosure. International Journal of Information Management.
Luchsinger, A., (2016) Veterans Seeking Veterans Through Interpersonal Communication. International Journal of Communication and Health.
McKeever, B., McKeever, R., & Li, J-Y., (In Press). Speaking up online: Exploring hostile media perception, health behavior and other antecedents of communication related to breastfeeding. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly.
McKeever, B.W., McKeever, R., Holton, A., & Li, J-Y. (2016). The silent majority: Childhood vaccinations and antecedents for communicative action. Mass Communication & Society, 19, 476-498.
Oh, S-H., Kim, S.-H., Kim, H., & Kim, S. (2016). Framing Genetically Modified (GM) foods: An analysis of news coverage of how to think about GM foods in South Korea. Health Communication Research, 14, 29-61.
Ranta, J. (2016). Measuring strategic communications. Proceedings of the 19th International Public Relations Research Conference, Coral Gables, FL. 370-388.
Weatherred, J. L. (2016). Framing Child Sexual Abuse: A Longitudinal Content Analysis of Newspaper and Television Coverage, 2002–2012. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 1-20. Published online December 20, 2016, not assigned volume/pagination yet.
Webster, L., Li, J. Zhu, Y., Luchsinger, A., Wan, A., and Tatge, M. (2016) Third-Person Effect, Religiosity and Support for Censorship of Satirical Cartoons in Light of Charlie Hebdo and Other Retaliatory Attacks. Journal of Media and Religion.
Bhalla, N. (2017, March). Veterans’ suicide and ethical response: Examination of the VA’s Twitter feed. Paper to be presented at the 20th Annual International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL.
Bhalla, N., Mortensen, T. (2016, February 27). Visual Representation of Yoga in U.S. and Indian Media. Paper presented at the AEJMC Midwinter Conference 2016, Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma.
Ejaz, K. (February, 2016). Perception and Use of Facebook Amongst Muslim Women. Paper presentation to the Cultural and Critical Studies Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (AEJMC) Mid-Winter Conference, Norman, Oklahoma, USA.
Ejaz, K., Kim, J. K., Bhalla, N., & Weatherred, J. (October, 2016). Courtroom Show Viewership: A Dependency Perspective. Paper presentation to the Broadcast Education Association Fall Super-Regional Conference, Columbia, South Carolina, USA.
Frear, C. (2016, August). “You have no Idea the feeling of insult”: Comparative newspaper discourses about civil rights. Cultural and Critical Studies Division paper accepted for presentation at the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, MN.
Frear, C. (2016, August). Comparative newspaper coverage of the twentieth century African American freedom struggle. Minorities and Communication Division paper accepted for presentation at the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, MN.
Frear, C. (2016, August). The struggle to describe South Carolina’s leading civil rights lawyer. History Division poster accepted for presentation at the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, MN.
Frear, C., O’Boyle, J., & Kim, S.-H. (2016, August). Media framing of the Confederate flag debate in South Carolina. Mass Communication and Society Division paper accepted for presentation at the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, MN.
Frear, C., Wan, A., & Jang, S. (2016, June). Political Polarization and the Framing of Income Inequality in News Media and Social Media. Political Communication Division paper presented at the annual conference of the International Communication Association, Fukuoka, Japan.
Grant A. Wilkinson, J. Guerrazzi, D. Zhu, Y. (2016). “Defining News: A 10 Nation Perspective” World Journalism Education Congress. Auckland, New Zealand. July 14-16, 2016
Grant A. Wilkinson, J. Guerrazzi, D. Zhu, Y. (2016). “Studying Global News: Methodological Issues” BEA Super Regional. Columbia, SC. October 13-15, 2016
Hull, K., Romney, M., Pegoraro, A, & Stilwell, M. (2017, March/April). #SelfPromote: A visual analysis of promotion and advertisement on NBC’s official 2016 Olympic Instagram account. Paper to be presented at the 10th Summit on Communication and Sport, Phoenix, AZ
Keib, K., Tatge, M., (August, 2016), Is That News Story an Ad? News Homepage Design May Mislead Consumers into Sponsored Content. Paper presentation to The Newspaper and Online News Division of Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Minneapolis, MN.
Kim, H. (2016, June). Talking about marijuana: News framing of marijuana legalization stories in the United States. Paper presented to the annual conference of the ICA, Fukuoka, Japan.
Kim, H., & Kim, J. K. (2016, April). Cultural differences in social media use? A study of Facebook use and engagement between the U.S. and India. Paper presented to the annual convention of the Broadcasting Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas, NV.
Kim, H., & Lee, C. (2016, June). Collective memory of comfort women during the Japanese colonial rule: Comparing the South Korean television drama Eyes of Dawn (1991) and Snowy Road (2015). Paper presented to the annual conference of the ICA, Fukuoka, Japan.
Kim, H., Jang, S. M., Kim, S. H., & Wan, A. (2016, August). Evaluating sampling methods for content analysis of social media data. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, MN.
Kim, H., Jang, S. M., Kim, S.-H., Chang, J. JC., & Shim, J. C. (2016, June). Is it good to blame the government for epidemic diseases? Media use, attribution, risk perception, and behavioral intention. Paper presented to the annual conference of the ICA, Fukuoka, Japan.
Kim, J. K., & Chock, T.M. (2017, May). Inside Out: An Examination of the Role of Cultural Characteristics in Selfie Usage. Paper to be presented at International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
Kim, J. K., & Kim, H. (2016, August). Exploring relationships between selfie practice and cultural characteristics: Focused on Instagram users. Paper presented to the annual conference of the AEJMC, Minneapolis, MN. (Second Place Student Paper).
Kim, J. K., Bowen, S. A., & Moon, W.-K. (2017, March). Show Me the Ethics! How
UPS Demonstrates Corporate Social Responsibility on Facebook to Build Relationships: A case study. Paper to be presented at the 20th The International Public Relations Research Conference. Orlando, FL.
Kim, J. K., Zhang, N. (2016, June). Automation of News Frame Dissemination in Mediated Public Diplomacy: Analysis of Twitter Discussion about Senkaku (Diaoyu) Dispute. Paper accepted by the ICA 66th Annual Conference - Pre Conference, Japan.
Kim, J.K. (2016, August). I Vape, Therefore I Am: Construction of Electronic Cigarette Users’ Identity through Entertainment Social Media. Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Minneapolis, MN.
Kim, J.K. (2016, October). Pain Lasts Longer Than Flavor. Paper presented at the Broadcast Education Association Super-Regional Conference, Columbia, SC. WINNER: Top Student Paper
Kim, J.K., & Zhu, Y. (2016, August). Different Strokes for Different Folks: Examination of Open-Carry Frames on Twitter Across States in the United States. Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Minneapolis, MN.
Kim, J.K., Hull, K., & Schmittel, A. (2016, June). Major League Baseball teams’ promotional tactics to get fan engagement on Instagram. Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) National Conference, Orlando, FL.
Kim, J.K., Ott, H., Hull, K., & Choi, M. (2017, May). Double Play!: Examining the Relationship between MLB’s Corporate Social Responsibility and Sport Spectators’ Behavioral Intentions. Paper to be presented at International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
Leung, W. C. & Wan, A. (2016, June). 'I post what I eat': The visual presentation of healthy food on Instagram. Paper presented at 2016 ICA Young Scholars Preconference on Conceptualizing and Communicating Visual Communication Research Projects.
Li, J-Y. & McKeever, R. (2016, August). Putting compassion into action? Responding to gun regulations public service announcements. Paper presented at the National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media, Atlanta, GA.
Li, J-Y. & O’Boyle, J. (2016, June). “When Colleges Fail Us All”: Campus sexual assault: formative survey research on college student perceptions, attribution of responsibility, and preventive behaviors. Paper presented at the Health Communication Division, International Communication Association, Fukuoka, Japan.
Li, J-Y. (2016, August). The effect on young women of public figure health narratives regarding HPV: an application of the elaboration likelihood model. Paper presented at the Communicating Science, Health, Environment, Risk Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, MN.
Li, J-Y., O’Boyle, J., Kim, S-H. (2016, August). “I believe what I see:” Students’ use of media, issue engagement, and the perceived responsibility regarding campus sexual assault. Paper presented at the Communicating Science, Health, Environment, Risk Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, MN.
Luchsinger, A., Hull, K. (2016) Teaching with Tech: Supplemental Journalism Instruction for the Millennial Generation. AEJMC. Minneapolis, MN.
Luchsinger, A., McKeever, R. (2016) Propaganda Pros: The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria’s Crusade to a Caliphate. AEJMC. Minneapolis, MN.
Mortensen, T., Ejaz, K., & Bhalla, N. (February, 2016). Visual Representation of Yoga in U.S. and Indian Media. Paper presentation to the Visual Communication Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (AEJMC) Mid-Winter Conference, Norman, Oklahoma, USA.
O’Boyle, J. & Li, J-Y. (2016, June). College students’ perceptions of campus sexual assault: A qualitative study. Paper presented at the Feminist Division, International Communication Association, Fukuoka, Japan.
O’Boyle, J. (2016) Does Social Media Impact the Agenda of Television News Media? Broadcast Education Association Super-regional conference, Columbia, SC.
O’Boyle, J., & Li, J-Y. (2016, June). “When colleges fail us all” Campus sexual assault: Formative survey research on college student perceptions, attribution of responsibility, and preventive behaviors. Health Communication division paper at the International Communication Association conference, Fukuoka, Japan.
O’Boyle, J., Moscowitz, L., & Billings, A. (2016, August). Michael Sam’s coming out: Media frames of an openly gay NFL athlete. A top paper of the Sports Communication Interest Group, annual conference for Association for Educators in Journalism and Mass Communications, Minneapolis.
O’Boyle, J., Moscowitz, L., & Li, J-Y. (2016, June). College students’ perceptions of campus sexual assault: A qualitative study. Feminist Scholarship division paper at the International Communication Association conference, Fukuoka, Japan.
Oh, S-H., Kim, S.-H., Kim, H., & Kim, SY. (2016, May). Framing Genetically Modified (GM) foods: Frame building and news coverage of how to think about GM foods in South Korea. Paper presented to the biannual conference of the Korea Health Communication Association, Osong, Chungbuk, South Korea. (Top Paper Award).
Pardun, C. J., Wan, A., & Hinton, M. (2016, August). The Message of Meals: What YouTube Commercials Tell Us About Our Lives. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, MN.
Pegoraro, A., Stilwell, M., Romney, M., & Hull, K. (2017, March/April). Say what?: An analysis of fan discourse on the Official 2016 Olympic Facebook pages of NBC and the CBC. Paper to be presented at the 10th Summit on Communication and Sport, Phoenix, AZ
Ranta, J. (2016, March). Measuring strategic communications. Presentation at the International Public Relations Research Conference, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL.
Ranta, J. (2016, October). Differentiating Strategic Communications from Public Relations. Presentation at PRSA Educators’ Conference Super Saturday, Indianapolis, IN.,
Ranta, J. (2016, October). Student-run Agencies and Strategic Communications. Poster Presentation at PRSA Educators’ Conference Super Saturday, Indianapolis, IN.,
Ranta, J. (2016, November). Student Agencies and Skills Training. Presentation at BEA Superregional conference, Columbia, S.C.,
Ranta, J., Vincent H. & Hayler, J. (2016, February). Media Entrepreneurship and Student Agencies. Presentation at AEJMC Midwinter Conference, Norman, OK.
Romney, M., Hull, K., Pegoraro, A., & Stilwell, M. (2017, March/April). Nationalism, race, and gender on Instagram: An examination of the official Instagram accounts of American and Canadian Olympic broadcasters. Paper to be presented at the 10th Summit on Communication and Sport, Phoenix, AZ
Stilwell, M. (2017, March/April). Not Women Too?: Examining framing of American newspaper coverage in female athletes as the aggressor. Paper to be presented at the 10th Summit on Communication and Sport, Phoenix, AZ
Tatge, M. & Luchsinger, A., (August, 2016), Where Should We Eat? A Content Analysis Examining What Factors Yelp Users Perceive Useful When Picking Restaurants. Paper presentation to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Minneapolis, MN.
Tatge, M. & McKeever, R., (June, 2016), Assessing the Influence of Customer Reviews on Trust and Online Purchasing Behavior. Paper presentation to the Communication and Technology Division preconference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Fukuoka, Japan.
Tatge, M., Li, Jo-Yun and Luchsinger, A., (November, 2016), Using the Theory of Reasoned Action to Assess the Impact of Political Polls on Voter Behavior, Paper presentation to Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research (MAPOR), Chicago, IL.
Tatge, M., Li, Y., Luchsinger, A., (2016) The 2016 Presidential Election: Studying the Impact of Election Polls on Voter Behavioral Intention. MAPOR. Chicago, IL.
Tatge, M., Luchsinger, A. (2016) What Makes Yelp Reviews Useful? AEJMC. Minneapolis, MN.
UPS Demonstrates Corporate Social Responsibility on Facebook to Build
Wan, A. & Leung, W. C. (2017, May). Food photos on-the-go: Gratifications sought from posting food on Instagram. Paper to be presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Diego, C. A., USA.
Wan, A. & Wu, L. (2017, May). Who Enjoys Bullet Screen Videos? The Multitasking Generation with Social Desire. Paper to be presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Diego, C. A., USA.
Wan, A. (2016, August). Comparing social media advertising attitudes between advertising and non-adverting majors: A situated learning perspective. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, MN.
Weatherred, J. L. & McKeever, R. (2016). Testing the validity and reliability of the Child Sexual Abuse Myth Scale in the United States. Accepted and presented at the International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference, Portsmouth, NH, July 10-12, 2016.
Wen, J., Li, J-Y., & Song, BB. (2016, August). Does public segmentation matter in crisis communication? The interplay between public segmentation and crisis response strategies. Paper presented at the Public Relations Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, MN.
Zhang, N. (2016, March). A Historical Analysis of Coverage of Biotechnology and Genetically Modified Food in Chinese and American Elite Newspapers from 1992 to 2015. Presented at the 2016 Joint Journalism and Communication History Conference (JJCHC), New York, NJ.
Zhang, N. (2017, May). Public perceptions of genetically modified food on social media: A content analysis of YouTube comments on videos. Paper accepted by ICA 67th annual conference, San Diego, CA.
Zhu, Y. (2016). “Approaching “the Publics” in International Problems: Testing the Applicability of Situational Theory of Problem Solving in Public Diplomacy” IPRRC, Orlando, FL. March 8-12 2017
Zhu, Y., Chen, Z. (2016). “Knowing about Latin America in China: Information Sources, Media Portrayals, and Gratifications” 66th International Communication Association Annual Conference. Fukuoka, Japan, June 9-13, 2016 (Global Communication and Social Change Division)
Zhu, Y., Wang, L. (2016). “Your Angel and My Demon: Media Portrayal of Chinese Investment in Latin American Newspapers” 66th International Communication Association Annual Conference. Fukuoka, Japan, June 9-13, 2016 (Global Communication and Social Change Division)
Webster, L. (2015). BEA 2015 Debut Paper Award, Research Division – 2nd Place
O’Boyle, J. & Li, J. (2015). Moeller Award for Best Graduate Student Paper, Mass Communications and Society Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA, August, 2015.
O’Boyle, J. (2015) 3rd place Student Paper award from Law & Policy division at AEJMC
O’Boyle, J. (2015). travel award from AEJMC for $1,000
Kim, H. (2015). KACA-NCA Graduate Student Travel Fund Award – First Place (2015, November). Korean American Communication Association, National Communication Association (NCA) National Conference, Las Vegas, NV ($300).
LaPrad, K. (2015). Top Three Student Paper, Commission on the Status of Women, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), August 2015: “Collective Memory of the Feminist Revolution: WACK! Art and the Feminist Revolution in a Post-Feminist Twenty-First Century.”
Kim, H. (2014). Graduate Student Travel Stipend (2014, August). History Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) National Conference, Montreal, Canada ($300).
Frear, C., & LaPrad, K. (2014). Moeller Student Paper Award (2014). Mass Communication and Society Division, AEJMC.
Ranta, J. (2014). National Award, PRSSA 2014 Best Campaign of the Year, for a Student-run Agency.
Ranta, J. (2014). Mortar Board Teaching Excellence Award, USC.
Kim, H. (2013). Second Place Student Paper Award (2013, August). Magazine Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) National Conference, Washington, D.C.
Kim, H. (2013). Graduate Student Travel Funds (2013, August). Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AJEMC) National Conference, Washington, D.C. ($450).
Kim, H. (2013). Graduate Student Travel Grant (2013, May). International Communication Association (ICA) International Conference, London, U.K. ($200)
Zheng, Y. (2013). Brigham Young University Award for Top Ethics Paper, International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL, March 2013.
Zheng, Y. (2013). Best of Miami Award for Top Six Public Relations Paper, Public Relations Society of America International Conference, Philadelphia, PA, October 2013.
Ranta, J. (2013). National Affiliation PRSSA 2013 The Carolina Agency.p semi-finalist (finals announced b/t March 20-May29, 2016).
Kim, H. (2012). First Prize Graduate Student Paper Award (2012, September). The 11th Annual Convergence and Society Conference, Columbia, SC ($400).
Zheng, Y. (2007). Global Times Award for Top Student Paper in Social Science, Beijing, China, November 2007.
LaPrad, K. (2006). John M. Bryan Art History Award, University of South Carolina, College of Arts and Sciences, 2006.
Luchsinger, A. Two Emmy nominations (Documentary and News Series) – Nominated for two Emmys for documentary work by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS)
Luchsinger, A. Edward R. Murrow Awards (Under Review, Kaleidoscope Awards)
Luchsinger, A. Fulbright Scholarship. Winner, 2014 Plank Center Educator Fellowship Scholar.
Kim, H., Chang, J. JC., Frear, C., & Ha, J-Y. (in press). Exploring how college magazines frame science: A comparative analysis of Harvard Magazine and KU (Korea University) Today. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science.
Kim, H., Kim, S-H., Frear, C., & Oh, S-H. (in press). Picturing the scientists: A content analysis of the photographs of scientists. Newspaper Research Journal.
McKeever, B., McKeever, R., Holton, A., & Li, J-Y., (In Press). The silent majority: Childhood vaccinations and antecedents for communicative action. Mass Communication & Society.
McKeever, B.W., Pressgrove, G., McKeever, R., & Zheng, Y. (In Press). Toward a theory of situational support: A model for exploring fundraising, advocacy and organizational support. Public Relations Review.
Tanner, A., Bergeron, C., Zheng, Y., Friedman, D., Kim, S., & Foster, C. (In Press). Communicating effectively about clinical trials with African American Communities: A comparison of African American and White information sources and needs. Health Promotion Practice.
Zheng, Y., & McKeever, B.W. (In Press). Segmenting publics to improve health: Exploring health consciousness, media sources, and demographics related to the situational theory of publics. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.
Bowen, S., & Zheng, Y. (2015). Auto recall crisis, framing, and ethical response: Toyota's missteps. Public Relations Review, 41(1), 40-49.
Li, J-Y., & Rodriguez, L. (2015). Appeals, sexual images, visual metaphors and themes: Differences in condom print ads across four continents. Journal of Communication and Media Technologies. 5(3).
Tanner, A., Friedman, D., & Zheng, Y. (2015). Influences on the construction of health news: The reporting practices of local television news health journalists. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 59(2), 359-376.
Weatherred, J. L. (2015). Child sexual abuse and the media: A literature review, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 24(1), 16-34.
Kim, S.-H., Kim, H., & Oh, S-H. (2014). Talking about Genetically Modified (GM) foods in South Korea: The role of the Internet in the spiral of silence process. Mass Communication & Society, 17(5), 713-732.
Zheng, Y. (2014). Patterns and motivations of young adults’ health information acquisitions on Facebook. Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet, 18(2), 157-175.
Lee, M., Kim, H., & Kim, O. (2012). Psychological motivations to retweeting: Attitudes, subjective norms and communicative motivations. Korean Journal of Broadcasting & Telecommunication Studies, 26(4), 137-172.
Kim, H. (2011). Online interactivity and the real name system: A comparative study of Korean and American college students. Korea University Journal of Communication Science, 28(1), 39-68.
Seol, J., & Kim, H. (2008). Image effects of mass media on presidential candidates and the election. Korean Journal of Journalism & Communication Studies, 52(2), 328-352.
Seol, J., & Kim, H. (2008). Voters’ third-person perceptions: The media effect on the presidential candidates’ images and choice. Korean Journal of Communication & Information Studies, 42, 79-106.
Zheng, Y. (2006). How journalism students perceive journalism education: An in-depth interview. Youth Journalist (in China), 23, 14-16.
Bhalla, N., Mortensen, T. (2016). Visual Representation of Yoga in U.S. and Indian Media. Accepted for presentation to the AEJMC midwinter conference.
Ejaz, K. (2016, February). Perception and Use of Facebook Amongst Muslim Women. Paper accepted at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Mid-Winter Conference, Norman, OK.
Frear, C., Wan, A., & Jang, S. M. (2016, June). Political Polarization and the Framing of Income Inequality in News Media and Social Media. Paper to be presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Fukuoko, Japan.
Kim, H. (2016, June). Talking about marijuana: News framing of marijuana legalization stories in the United States. Paper accepted to the annual conference of the ICA, Fukuoka, Japan.
Kim, H., & Kim, J. K. (2016, April). Cultural differences in social media use? A study of Facebook use and engagement between the U.S. and India. Paper accepted to the annual convention of the Broadcasting Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas, NV.
Kim, H., & Lee, C. (2016, June). Collective memory of comfort women during the Japanese colonial rule: Comparing the South Korean television drama Eyes of Dawn (1991) and Snowy Road (2015). Paper accepted to the annual conference of the ICA, Fukuoka, Japan.
Kim, H., Jang, S. M., Kim, S.-H., Chang, J. JC., & Shim, J. C. (2016, June). Is it good to blame the government for epidemic diseases? Media use, attribution, risk perception, and behavioral intention. Paper accepted to the annual conference of the ICA, Fukuoka, Japan.
Kim, J.K., Hull, K., & Schmittel, A. (2016, June). Major League Baseball teams’ promotional tactics to get fan engagement on Instagram. Paper to be presented at the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) National Conference, Orlando, FL.
Leung, W. C. & Wan, A. (under review). 'I post what I eat': The visual presentation of healthy food on Instagram. Paper submitted to the 2016 ICA Young Scholars Preconference on Conceptualizing and Communicating Visual Communication Research Projects.
Li, J-Y. & O’Boyle, J. (2016, June). “When Colleges Fail Us All”: Campus sexual assault: formative survey research on college student perceptions, attribution of responsibility, and preventive behaviors. Paper presented at the Health Communication Division, International Communication Association, Fukuoka, Japan.
Luchsinger, A. (2016, Under Review). The Orangeburg Massacre. Broadcasting and Electronic Media Festival of Arts, Las Vegas, NV.
O’Boyle, J. & Li, J-Y. (2016, June). College Students’ Perceptions of Campus Sexual Assault: A Qualitative Study. Paper presented at the Feminist Division, International Communication Association, Fukuoka, Japan
O’Boyle, J., & Li, J-Y. (2016). “When colleges fail us all” Campus sexual assault: Formative survey research on college student perceptions, attribution of responsibility, and preventive behaviors. Health Communication division paper at the 2016 International Communication Association conference, Fukuoka, Japan, June 9-13.
O’Boyle, J., Li, J-Y., & Moscowitz, L. (2016). College students’ perceptions of campus sexual assault: A qualitative study. Feminist Scholarship division paper at the 2016 International Communication Association conference, Fukuoka, Japan, June 9-13.
Ranta, J. (2016). Entrepreneurship in the advertising/public relations/strategic communications in the JMC curriculum. AEJMC 2016 Midwinter Conference, University of Oklahoma (Invited panelist).
Tatge, M. & McKeever, R. (June, 2016). Assessing the Influence of Customer Reviews on Trust and Online Purchasing Behavior. Paper presentation to the Communication and Technology Division pre-conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Fukuoka, Japan.
Tatge, M. Luchsinger, A. (2016, Under Review). What Make Yelp Reviews Useful? International Communication Association, Fukoka, Japan.
Wei, R., & O’Boyle, J. (2016). Mobile media as a political institution in Asia: Preliminary evidence from research 2000-2015. Pre-conference presentation (by Ran Wei) at the Chinese Comm. Assn. , International Communication Association conference, Fukuoka, Japan, June 9-13.
Grant, A., Webster, L., & Zhu, Y. (2015). Media Dependency and Parental Mediation. AEJMC 2015
Kim, H., & McKeever, R. (2015, August). Well informed or misperceived?: The illusion of knowing in science communication. Paper presented to the annual conference of the AEJMC, San Francisco, CA.
Kim, H., & Sisson, D. C. (2015, March). Who likes, comments, and shares on Facebook?: Exploring Facebook use of U.S. and South Korean college students. Paper presented to the annual conference of the AEJMC Southeast Colloquium, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.
Kim, H., & Sisson, D. C. (2015, November). Who likes, comments, and shares on Facebook?: A study of Facebook use and engagement between U.S. and South Korean college students. Paper presented to the annual conference of the National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV.
Kim, H., Kim, S.-H., Frear, C., & Oh, S-H. (2015, August). Picturing the scientists: A content analysis of the photographs of scientists in The Science Times. Paper presented to the annual conference of the AEJMC, San Francisco, CA
Kim, J.K. (2015, August). True Self or Better Self?: A Qualitative Exploration of Selfie Uses on Social Media.” ). Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), San Francisco, the United States.
Kim, S.-H., Chang, J-H., Shim, J. C., & Kim, H. (2015, August). Who is responsible for climate change?: Attribution of responsibility, news media, and South Koreans’ perceived risk of climate change. Paper presented to the annual conference of the AEJMC, San Francisco, CA.
Kim, S.-H., Telleen, M. W., & Kim, H. (2015, August). Talking about school bullying: News framing of who is responsible for causing and fixing the problem. Paper presented to the annual conference of the AEJMC, San Francisco, CA.
Kim, S.-H., Thrasher, J. F., Rose, I. D., Craft, M-K., & Kim, H. (2015, August). Ties to the local community and South Carolinian newspapers’ coverage of smoke-free policies. Paper presented to the annual conference of the AEJMC, San Francisco, CA.
LaPrad, K. (2015, August). Analysis of Press and Broadcast News Coverage. Paper presented at the National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media, Atlanta, GA.
LaPrad, K. (2015, August). Collective Memory of the Feminist Revolution: WACK! Art and the Feminist Revolution in a Post-Feminist Twenty-First Century. Paper presented at the Commission on the Status of Women of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), San Francisco, CA.
LaPrad, K. (2015, October). Containing the Negro Insane: Press Coverage of the Parker Building at the South Carolina State Hospital for the Insane. Paper presented at the American Journalism Historians Association (AJHA), St. Paul, Minnesota.
Li, J-Y., (2015, March). “Chinese Question” The civil sphere and newspaper coverage of Chinese immigrants in the San Francisco sanitation crisis, 1875-1877. Paper presented at the Joint Journalism and Communication History Conference, New York, NY.
Luchsinger, A. (2015, April). Propaganda Pros: The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria’s Crusade to a Caliphate. Paper presented at Graduate Student Day, Columbia, SC.
Luchsinger, A. (2015, February). “I Signed up for the Affordable Care Act, Now What?” Paper presented at Science and Health Communication Student Symposium, Columbia, SC.
McKeever, B., McKeever, R., & Li, J-Y. (2015, November). Speaking up online: Exploring hostile media perception, health behavior and other antecedents of communication related to breastfeeding. Paper presented at the Health Communication Division, National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV.
McKeever, B., McKeever, R., Holton, A., & Li, J-Y., (2015, August). The silent majority: Childhood vaccinations and antecedents for communicative action. Paper presented at the Communicating Science, Health, Environment, Risk Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA.
Mortensen, T.M., Yang, A., Wan, A. (2015, August). Hashing Out the Normal and the Deviant: A Visual Stereotyping Study of the Stigmatization of Marijuana Use Before and After Recreational Legalization in Colorado. Paper presented at 98th Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA.
Mortensen, T.M., Yang, A., Wan, A. and Mortensen, C.C. (2015, May). Now that the smoke has cleared: Examining the visual and headline valence framing of marijuana preceding and following legalization in Colorado. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Puerto Rico.
O’Boyle, J. (2015). Cultural variation on commercial speech doctrine: India exhibits stronger protections than the U.S. Third-place Award for student paper from Law & Policy division at the 2015 AEJMC conference. This paper is currently under review at Communication Law & Policy journal.
O’Boyle, J. & Li, J-Y., (2015, August). “Let's keep this quiet:” Media framing of campus sexual assault, its causes, and proposed solutions. Paper presented at the Mass Communication and Society Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA.
O’Boyle, J. (2015). Cultural variation on commercial speech doctrine: India exhibits stronger protections than the U.S. Third-place Award for student paper from Law & Policy division at the 2015 conference of the Association for Educators in Journalism and Mass Communications, San Francisco.
O’Boyle, J. (2015). Twitter diplomacy between India and the U.S.: A typology of tweets during diplomatic state visits. Paper presentation at International Communication division of the 2015 conference for Association for Educators in Journalism and Mass Communications, San Francisco.
O’Boyle, J. (2015). Watching American entertainment television in India. Paper presentation at Entertainment Studies Interest Group at the 2015 conference for Association for Educators in Journalism and Mass Communications, San Francisco.
O’Boyle, J., & Li, J-Y. (2015). “Let’s keep this quiet:” Media framing of campus sexual assault. First place Moeller Student Paper Award from the Mass Communication & Society division at the 2015 conference of the Association for Educators in Journalism and Mass Communications, San Francisco.
Ranta, J. (2015). Student agencies and IMC. IMC Summer Conference, University of North Carolina, Wilmington, (invited panelist).
Tatge, M. (April, 2015) Ferguson vs. Harlem. What Can We Can Learn from Twitter Posts and New York Times Coverage of Riots and Civil Unrest? Paper presentation to Media & Civil Rights History Symposium, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.
Tatge, M. (March, 2015). What Can Be Learned about Media Coverage of Race in America at America's daily paper of record? Joint Journalism and Communication History Conference (JJCHC), co-sponsored by the American Journalism Historians Association and Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute New York University, New York, NY.
Wan, A. (2015, August). How Do They Think Differently? A Social Media Advertising Attitude Survey on Chinese Students in China and Chinese Students in America. Paper presented at 98th Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA.
Wan, A. (2015, March). Women in China’s Renren Weekly, 1936: Problems, Rights, Modernity and Wartime Responsibilities. Paper presented at the Joint Journalism and Communication History Conference, New York, NY.
Wan, A., Zhu, Y., & Li, J-Y., (2015, April). From confrontations to civil liberties: Newspaper photo framing of police brutality and riots in Los Angeles 1992 and Ferguson, Mo. 2014. Paper presented at the Third Biennial Media & Civil Rights History Symposium, Columbia, SC.
Wan, A., Zhu, Y., & Li, J-Y. (2015, April). From confrontations to civil liberties: Newspaper photo framing of police brutality and riots in Los Angeles 1992 and Ferguson, Mo. 2014. Paper presented at the Third Biennial Media & Civil Rights History Symposium, Columbia, SC.
Webster, L. (2015). Parental Mediation of Adolescent Movie Viewing. BEA 2015 Research Division*
Webster, L., Li, J., Zhu, Y., Luchsinger, A., Wan, A., and Tatge, M. (2015). “Third-Person Effect, Religiosity and Support for Censorship of Satirical Religious Cartoons in Light of Charlie Hebdo and Other Retaliatory Attacks” Journal of Media and Religion (Under Review)
Wei, R., & Zheng, Y. (2015, August). Mobile phone revolution of the 21st century and mobile communication research in Asia. Paper presented in the panel of Achievements and Current Status of Communication Research in Asia, 1995-2014: A Thematic Review of Diverse Perspectives, New Contributions and Enduring Issues, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA.
Wen, J. & Li, J-Y. (2015, February). Agenda-Setting and the Internet: The Intermedia Influence of Twitter on Traditional Media Coverage of the Ebola Quarantine Policy. Paper resented at the 2nd Media + Health Symposium 2015, the Center for Media+Health at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Zheng, Y. (2015, May). Framing teen smoking in Chinese movies from 1978 to 2005: A visual narrative analysis. Poster presented at the Young Scholars Preconference on Visual Methods, International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Zhu, Y., Chen, Z. (2015). “Knowing about Latin America in China: Information Sources, Media Portrayals, and Gratifications” 66th International Communication Association Annual Conference. Fukuoka, Japan, June 9-13, 2016 (Global Communication and Social Change Division)
Zhu, Y., Wang, L. (2015). “Media Portrayal of Chinese Investment in Latin American Newspapers” 66th International Communication Association Annual Conference. Fukuoka, Japan, June 9-13, 2016 (Global Communication and Social Change Division)
Frear, C. (2014, February). ‘This is a story of war’: Newspaper framing of a civil rights lawyer. Three minute thesis competition at the annual conference of Southern Graduate Schools, San Antonio, TX.
Frear, C., & LaPrad, K. (2014). “Our program is truth and justice”: Framing of racial inequality by two South Carolina newspapers, 19731976. Paper presented to the annual conference of AEJMC, Montreal, Canada.
Jung, S., Kim J.K, and Chen, L. (2014, August). Who uses more emoticons? Who anthropomorphizes more? : Cultural and Gender Differences in Emoticons Use on IM. Paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Montreal, Canada.
Kim, H. (2014, August). Collective memory of Japanese colonial rule: Comfort women represented in the South Korean television drama, “Eye of Daybreak.” Paper presented to the annual conference of the AEJMC, Montreal, Canada.
Kim, H. (2014, March). The Hebei Spirit oil spill coverage of South Korean newspapers and crisis response strategies: Application of situational crisis communication theory and framing theory. Paper presented to the annual conference of the AEJMC Southeast Colloquium, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Kim, H., McKeever, R., Chang, J. J., & Ha, J-Y. (2014, August). Actual or perceived?: Comparing two dimensions of scientific knowledge in the United States and South Korea. Paper presented to the annual conference of the AEJMC, Montreal, Canada.
Kim, H., McKeever, R., Chang, J. J., & Ha, J-Y. (2014, August). Factors influencing risk perceptions of science issues: Comparing college students in the U.S. and South Korea. Paper presented to the annual conference of the AEJMC, Montreal, Canada.
O’Boyle, J. (2014). Mahatma Gandhi, media hero: Bhimrao Ambedkar, father of India. Paper presented at the 2014 American Journalism Historians’ Media History Exchange conference, New York City. This paper is now in revision for submission to publication.
O’Boyle, J. (2014). The caste of the cast: The South Asian 'model minority' on broadcast television sitcoms. Paper presented at the 2014 conference of the Assn. for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication, Montreal.
O’Boyle, J. (2014). The caste of the cast: The South Asian 'model minority' on broadcast television sitcoms. Paper presented at the 2014 AEJMC conference. This article is currently in revision for Continuum.
Ranta, J. (2014). Anatomy of a recruitment campaign. National Association of Public Land Grant Universities (MTEP Section). Milwaukee, WI (Keynote Presenter).
Ranta, J. (2014). Best practices for student run agencies/service learning. Public Relations Society of America, Educators Super Saturday, International PRSA Conference, Washington, DC.
Ranta, J. (2014). Special teams in public relations—The innovator, the team player and the 360 communicator. BEA Region II Conference, Appalachian State University.
Tanner, A., Faria, E., Knight, J., & Zheng, Y. (2014, August). Perceptions, experiences, and news routines of entry-level journalists in local television news. Paper presented at the Internship and Careers Interest Group, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Montreal, Canada.
Weatherred, J. L. (2014). The framing of child sexual abuse in the media: Who is responsible? - Accepted and presented at the International Communication Association by the Health Communication Division, Seattle, WA, May 2014.
Weatherred, J. L. (2014). The framing of child sexual abuse in the media: Who is responsible? – Accepted and presented at the International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference, Portsmouth, NH, July 2014.
Zheng, Y. (2014, August). Framing gay marriage in leading U.S. newspapers and TV networks. Poster presented at the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Interest Group, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Montreal, Canada.
Zheng, Y. (2014, March). How American Cancer Society is using LinkedIn for stakeholder managements: A thematic analysis. Paper presented at International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL.
Zheng, Y., & McKeever, B.W. (2014, May). Segmenting publics to improve health: Exploring health consciousness, media sources, and demographics related to the situational theory of publics. Paper presented at the Public Relations Division, International Communication Association, Seattle, WA.
Bowen, S. A. & Zheng, Y. (2013, October). Auto recall crises, framing, and ethical response: An updated content analysis of Toyota’s failures. Paper presented at Public Relations Society of America International Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Frear, C. (2013, April). ‘This is a story of war’: Newspaper framing of a civil rights lawyer. Presented at the Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) competition at the University of South Carolina graduate day, Columbia, SC.
Frear, C. (2013, November). ‘This is a story of war’: Newspaper framing of a civil rights lawyer. Invited presentation to the University of South Carolina graduate directors, Columbia, SC.
Kenney, K., and LaPrad, K. (2013, August). Susanne Langer: Expresses Knowledge of Feelings. Paper presented at the Visual Communication Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Washington, D.C.
Kim, H., & Chang, J. J. (2013, August). Exploring how college magazines portray science and scientists: A comparative analysis of Harvard Magazine and KU (Korea University) Today. Paper presented to the annual conference of the AEJMC, Washington, D.C. (Second Place Student Paper).
Kim, H., & Frear, C. (2013, August). Picturing the scientists: A content analysis of the scientists’ photographs in The New York Times, 2000 to 2009. Paper presented to the annual conference of the AEJMC, Washington, D.C.
Kim, H., Kim, S-H., Chang, J. J., Shim, J. C., & Oh, S-H. (2013, August). Elaborative processing that matters: A study of factors influencing perceived risks related to food and medicine in South Korea. Paper presented to the annual conference of the AEJMC, Washington, D.C.
Kim, H., Soh, E. J., Oh, S-H., & Kim, S-H. (2013, June). Framing aid to North Korea: A content analysis of four South Korean newspapers on humanitarian assistance to North Korea. Paper presented to the annual conference of the ICA, London, UK.
Kim, S.-H., Kim, H., & Oh, S-H. (2013, June). Talking about Genetically Modified (GM) foods in South Korea: The role of the Internet in the spiral of silence process. Paper presented to the annual conference of the ICA, London, UK.
LaPrad, K. (2013, August). Framing Cultural Warfare: Press Coverage of the Guerrilla Girls 1985-2011. Paper presented at the Commission on the Status of Women of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Washington, D.C.
Li, J-Y. & Rodriguez, L. (2013, June). Appeals, sexual images, visual metaphors and themes: Differences in condom print ads across four continents. Paper presented at the Visual Communication Division, International Communication Association, London, England.
McKeever, B.W., Pressgrove, G., & Zheng, Y. (2013, August). Combining the situational theory of publics and theory of reasoned action to explore nonprofit support: A replication. Poster presented at the Communication Theory and Methodology Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, D.C.
Oh, S-H., Kim, S-H., Shim, J. C., Chang, J. J., & Kim, H. (2013, August). Public risk perception of food hazards: Understanding the relationships between communication channels, risk perceptions and preventive behavioral intentions. Paper presented to the annual conference of the AEJMC, Washington, D.C.
Ranta, J. (2013). Reality television, why we watch. AEJMC International Conference. Washington, DC.
Ranta, J. (2013). The fuel cell collaborative. University of South Carolina Energy Leadership Institute Alternative Energy Forum. Columbia, SC. (Presenter).
Zheng, Y. (2013, August). Patterns and motivations of young adults’ health information acquisitions on Facebook. Paper presented at the Communicating Science, Health, Environment, Risk Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, D.C.
Zheng, Y. (2013, March). Patterns and motivations of young adults’ health information acquisitions on Facebook. Paper presented at Open Division, AEJMC Southeast Colloquium, Tampa, FL.
Zheng, Y., & Han, G. (2013, November). Framing foodborne salmonella outbreaks: Attribution of causal and treatment responsibilities. Paper presented at the Mass Communication Division, National Communication Association, Washington, D.C.
Kasko, J., & Webster, L. (2012). Misconception About Barack Obama’s Religious Affiliation: A content analysis of news coverage of the President. 2013 AEJMC
Kim, H. (2012, September). Who comments, shares, and likes on Facebook?: A study of users’ personality and motivation in terms of expression functions on Facebook. Paper presented to the annual conference of the Convergence and Society Conference. University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC. (First Prize Graduate Student Paper).
Kim, H., & Frear, C. (2012, March). Western toys or tools of freedom?: How major American newspapers reported social media in the Middle Eastern Protests. Paper presented to the annual conference of the AEJMC Southeast Colloquium, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
Kim, H., & Kim, S. Y. (2012, August). Picturing the world: A content analysis of international news photographs in The New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times, 1984-2005. Paper presented to the annual conference of the AEJMC, Chicago, IL.
Lee, M., Kim, H., & Kim, O. (2011, October). About Retweet and by Retweet: A model with regard to a decision of Retweeting behavior. Paper presented to the annual conference of the Korean Society for Journalism and Communication Studies, Seoul, Korea.
Ranta, J. (2010). Community outreach and the hydrogen bus. National Convergence Conference. Columbia, SC.
Ranta, J. (2010). Hydrogen Energy in Mass Transit. National Hydrogen Association Convention. Long Beach, CA. (2010). (Panel Moderator).
Ranta, J. (2010). The hydrogen hybrid bus community outreach. National Hydrogen Association Convention. Long Beach, CA.
Seol, J., & Kim, H. (2008, April). A study about image effects of mass media on presidential candidates and the voters’ choice. Paper presented to the annual conference of the Korean Society for Journalism and Communication Studies, Jeju, Korea.