Learning Outcomes of this Program Meet the ALA/AASL/CAEP (Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation) Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2019) and the South Carolina ADEPT (Assisting, Developing, and Evaluating Professional Teaching) Standards for Library Media Specialists.
Foundations in Library and Information Science
Candidates complete the core courses (ISCI 701 and ISCI 705), the materials courses (ISCI 756 and ISCI 757), the curriculum and technology integration courses (ISCI 706, ISCI 742, and ISCI 761), and the reference sources and services course (ISCI 703), and two elective courses approved by the school library faculty and staff, before enrolling in ISCI 720.
Recommended order of courses for the Program of Study:
701, 706, 703, (course elective), 756, (course elective), 757, 761, 705, 742, 720, 794 (720 and 794 are capstone courses)
School Library Program Development (ISCI 720) is a pre-requisite or co-requisite for enrollment in ISCI 794 (the internship). Enrollment in ISCI 794 (internship) is handled through SIS Student Services.
Candidates without a current teaching certificate will be seeking Initial Certification, and must complete four education courses (see below) before enrolling in ISCI 742, ISCI 720, and completing two internships.
It is strongly recommended that candidates complete ISCI 706 with ISCI 701 in the first semester, or as a second course after completing ISCI 701. It also is strongly recommended that candidates complete ISCI 703 and 706 before enrolling in ISCI 756, 757, 761, 705 and 742.
Core (6 hours)
- ISCI 701 - Ethics, Values, and Founding Principles of LIS Profession
- ISCI 705 - Research Design and Evaluation
Suggested Elective Courses (6 hours = 2 courses)
Students can take any ISCI electives offered at the 500, 600, or 700 level. The following
electives are suggested for school librarians:
- ISCI 600 - Storytelling
- ISCI 704 - Leadership in Information Organizations
- ISCI 718 - History of Children’s and Young Adult Literature
- ISCI 728 - Public Library Systems
- ISCI 741- Educational Services in Library and Information Organization
- ISCI 751- Libraries, Literacy, and Literature
- ISCI 752 - Diversity in Libraries
- ISCI 754 - Library Programming for Children and Young Adults
- ISCI 755 - Popular Materials and Programming for Adults
- ISCI 759 - Material for Early Childhood
- ISCI 760 - Materials and Services for Latino Youth
- ISCI 764 - Universal Design and Accessibility for Youth
- ISCI 765 - Planning Library Facilities
- ISCI 781 - Critical Cultural Information Studies
- ISCI 782 - Social Justice Storytelling and Advocacy
- All Special Topics Courses – ISCI 797 Special Topics in Information Services
**These courses will be available on a rotating basis, not every semester.
Material Selection (6 hours)
- ISCI 756 Children’s Materials
- ISCI 757 Young Adult Materials
Curriculum and Technology Integration (9 hours)
- ISCI 706 Information Organization and Access
- ISCI 742 Curricular Role of the School Librarian [Students who are not certified teachers must complete four required education courses before enrolling in 742]
- ISCI 761 Information Technologies in the School Library Program
**ISCI 706 is a pre-requisite for ISCI 761 and 742
Reference Sources and Services (3 hours)
- ISCI 703 Reference and Instruction
** Co- or pre-requisite for 742
Capstone Courses (6 or 9 hours)
- ISCI 720 School Library Program Development
The pre-requisite for enrolling in ISCI 720 is successful completion of ISCI 701, 703, 705, 706, 756, 757, 742, 761, two electives, as well as all required education courses (if seeking initial certification).
- ISCI 794 Internship in Information Science (3 or 6 hours)
ISCI 720 is a co- or a pre-requisite for requesting enrollment in ISCI 794.
Foundations in Education
Candidates who hold a current and valid teaching license must submit a photocopy of
their certificate to the School of Information Science Student Services Office. Candidates who hold a current and valid teaching certificate are not required to complete
the education courses listed below.
Candidates who do not hold a teaching certificate must complete all required education courses prior to enrolling in 742 and the capstone courses (ISCI 720 and ISCI 794). Candidates must earn a grade of “B” or better in all courses that are used to meet the “Foundations in Education” requirements.
Education Course Requirements
Exceptional Children
(One course required)
- EDEX 523 - Introduction to Exceptional Children
South Carolina Read to Succeed
Note: Students seeking Initial school library certification (K-12), and completing
a MLIS degree must complete one of the following courses:
Select one of the following courses:
- EDRD 500- Content Area Literacy PK-12
- EDRD 730- Teaching Reading and Writing in the Content Areas (PK-12 Reading Education and Content Area Teachers)
- EDRD 732- Teaching Reading and Writing in the Content Areas (Secondary Reading Education)
- EDEX 581- Reading in the Content Areas to Adolescents with Reading Disabilities
Curriculum Development
(One 3-hour course required)
Select one of the following courses:
- EDCS 720- Introduction to Diversity and the Curriculum
- EDCS 721- Social Class Diversity and the Curriculum
- EDCS 722- Racial and Ethnic Diversity and the Curriculum
- EDCS 725- Principles of Curriculum Construction
Psychology of Learning
(One 3-hour course required)
Select one of the following courses:
- EDPY 705- Human Growth and Development (Childhood & Adolescence)
- EDPY 706- Growth and Development: Childhood (Birth through Elementary)
- EDPY 707- Growth and Development: Adolescence
Portfolio Requirements
Successful completion of the School of Information Science portfolio is a requirement
for the MLIS and school library certification. Portfolios are submitted prior to
graduation. The portfolio due date for students graduating in May is April 15. The
portfolio due date for students graduating in December is November 15.
Requirements for Certification
The courses listed in this document meet the ALA/ AASL/ CAEP Standards for Initial
Preparation of School Librarians for the University of South Carolina School of Information
Science. A candidate who completes the courses and examination requirements listed
in this document is eligible to apply for certification as a school librarian in most
states that recognize ALA and/or CAEP- approved programs. Candidates should be aware,
however, that each state maintains the right to require other courses and testing
beyond that required in the School of Information Science. Candidates who plan to
apply for certification in a state other than South Carolina should contact that state’s
department of education to determine the exact requirements.
For further information contact:
School of Information Science
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
Phone: (803) 777- 3887
Email: SLISS@mailbox.sc.edu