DescriptionDescription - Describes how students engage, what they do, reflecting the nature and depth of the program/experience. | Students make oral, creative, and/or poster presentations of any beyond the classroom experience including research and scholarly projects, global study, professional work experiences, leadership, service-learning and community service, and national fellowship competitions. |
TermTerm - The semester in which the activity occurs | Spring 2019 |
CategoryCategory - Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) category with which this engagement activity is most closely aligned, from the perspective of the student in the activity. | Capstone ExperiencedefinitionCapstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program. |
Campus LabelCampus Label - Type of purposeful activity, as defined across units | Articulating Learning |
DivisionDivision - University organization | Research |
DepartmentDepartment - University organization | Undergraduate Research |
UnitUnit - University organization | Undergraduate Research |
Special DesignationSpecial Designation - Engagement has a special designation based on review of educational purpose and intentional design. | GLD-Presentation
Time on TaskTime on Task - Amount of time that a student engages in this activity (including orientation/training, supervision/feedback, reflection on learning). | 1 - 2 hours |
Participation EntryParticipation Entry - Extent to which participation is restricted (e.g., minimum GPA, classification) | Open - any student can participate (no required credentials, such as GPA, hours earned) |
Minimum Credit HoursMinimum Credit Hours - Number of credit hours or years in college required to participate in this activity | No requirements for credit hours or years completed |
Minimum GPAMinimum GPA - Minimum GPA required to participate in this activity | No GPA requirements for participation |
Other RequirementsOther Requirements - Additional requirements to participate in this activity | No additional requirements |
ExpectationsExpectations - How expectations are communicated to students about how they will engage in this program | Website information |
Active LearningActive Learning - What students do; the nature or type of the engagement, that is expected to contribute to their learning | Apply specialized knowledgedefinitionApply specialized knowledge - Applying specialized knowledge or skills required to do a task, such as from major coursework, or previous experience Study / Practice intellectual skillsdefinitionStudy / Practice intellectual skills - Engage in activity designed to develop knowledge, skills, and disposition regarding intellectual well-being, such as study skills, time management, managing personal affairs |
Knowledge/SkillsKnowledge/Skills - Knowledge applied and/or skills practiced by students as they engage in this activity | Communication - spokendefinitionCommunication - spoken - Students engage in purposeful oral communication as an intentional part of the activity Specialized knowledge and skillsdefinitionSpecialized knowledge and skills - Specific to a course, major, discipline, or career field. |
Interacts WithInteracts With - With whom students directly interact, as they engage in this activity | Student(s) on this campus Faculty member(s) on this campus |
DiversityDiversity - Extent to which student learning about diversity is included in program structure | Not deliberately included in program structuredefinitionNot deliberately included in program structure - Interactions with or observation of diverse others, and/or discussions about diversity may happen by chance, but are not intentionally included in the structure of the program/experience |
FeedbackFeedback - How and from whom students receive feedback on their engagement in this program | Group / class session with faculty member Group / class session with graduate assistant |
ReflectionReflection - How, and with whom, students engage in reflection on their learning while engaged in this activity | Informal only, no structured reflection activity |
Program WebsiteProgram Website - For additional information, go to the unit website. | |
RubricRubric - Describes specific expectations for student involvement in the activity | - |