DescriptionDescription - Describes how students engage, what they do, reflecting the nature and depth of the program/experience. | Students interact with faculty and staff to learn more about available opportunities and resources available for within and beyond the classroom engagement at USC. |
TermTerm - The semester in which the activity occurs | Fall 2016 |
CategoryCategory - Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) category with which this engagement activity is most closely aligned, from the perspective of the student in the activity. | Campus Activities ProgramsdefinitionCampus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs. |
Campus LabelCampus Label - Type of purposeful activity, as defined across units | Campus Activities |
DivisionDivision - University organization | Academic Affairs |
DepartmentDepartment - University organization | Undergraduate Studies |
UnitUnit - University organization | Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning |
Special DesignationSpecial Designation - Engagement has a special designation based on review of educational purpose and intentional design. | - |
Time on TaskTime on Task - Amount of time that a student engages in this activity (including orientation/training, supervision/feedback, reflection on learning). | 30 minutes |
Participation EntryParticipation Entry - Extent to which participation is restricted (e.g., minimum GPA, classification) | Open - any student can participate (no required credentials, such as GPA, hours earned) |
Minimum Credit HoursMinimum Credit Hours - Number of credit hours or years in college required to participate in this activity | No requirements for credit hours or years completed |
Minimum GPAMinimum GPA - Minimum GPA required to participate in this activity | No GPA requirements for participation |
Other RequirementsOther Requirements - Additional requirements to participate in this activity | No additional requirements |
ExpectationsExpectations - How expectations are communicated to students about how they will engage in this program | Advertising materials |
Active LearningActive Learning - What students do; the nature or type of the engagement, that is expected to contribute to their learning | Study / Practice self knowledgedefinitionStudy / Practice self knowledge - Reflect on interests, aptitudes, disposition, personality characteristics, to advance self knowledge and decision making
Knowledge/SkillsKnowledge/Skills - Knowledge applied and/or skills practiced by students as they engage in this activity | Self-knowledgedefinitionSelf-knowledge - Reflection on, and/or examination of, personal interests, skills and abilities, dispositions, attitudes, aptitudes, values; especially in relation to educational plan, career and life goals Communication - spokendefinitionCommunication - spoken - Students engage in purposeful oral communication as an intentional part of the activity |
Interacts WithInteracts With - With whom students directly interact, as they engage in this activity | Professional staff member(s) on this campus Faculty member(s) on this campus |
DiversityDiversity - Extent to which student learning about diversity is included in program structure | Not deliberately included in program structuredefinitionNot deliberately included in program structure - Interactions with or observation of diverse others, and/or discussions about diversity may happen by chance, but are not intentionally included in the structure of the program/experience |
FeedbackFeedback - How and from whom students receive feedback on their engagement in this program | Informal feedback only |
ReflectionReflection - How, and with whom, students engage in reflection on their learning while engaged in this activity | Informal only, no structured reflection activity |
Program WebsiteProgram Website - For additional information, go to the unit website. | - |
RubricRubric - Describes specific expectations for student involvement in the activity | - |