Donna Arnett, Ph.D., executive vice president for academic affairs and provost
Donna Arnett, Ph.D. is the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost of the University of South Carolina. Reporting directly to the President of the University, Provost serves as USC’s chief executive officer in the President’s absence, as she is involved in all core University operations. As the University’s chief academic officer, Provost Arnett oversees all academic units (colleges, schools, and campuses) and major academic support units, such as advising, University Libraries, the Office of Enrollment Management, and Institutional Research, Assessment and Analytics. She works closely with fellow administrators, deans of colleges and academic and advising units, as well as many others across the University to set academic priorities and move them forward.
For appointments, please contact Ashley Dantzler at dillahun@mailbox.sc.edu