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Graduation and Retention Network

SPTE 320

Sport of the Law

Sport and the Law is designed to assist the student in acquiring knowledge of legal issues that frequently arise in the context of sport.  This course will expand on introductory legal concepts and provide the student with a more comprehensive understanding of the law as it applies to sport as well as how the law affects participants, spectators, coaches, leagues, and stadium managers, among others. Emphasis will be placed on examining current legal issues in sport and observing how laws have evolved  to provide greater protection for all in sport settings.

Course Syllabus [pdf]

Download the course syllabus for full details about expectations, readings, assignments and more. 

 Learning Outcomes

  • Discuss the role and implications of the law in sport.
  • Analyze recent trends in court decisions affecting sport.
  • Recognize the need to secure legal protection for athletes, teams, and leagues.
  • Apply substantive areas of law to actual scenarios faced by professionals in the sport industry.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
